FM21186 - Energy Technology List Scheme Delivery and Research Programme Services and Products Policy Support Services

A Prior Information Notice

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Contract (Services)
not specified
15 Sep 2021
not specified



United Kingdom:

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) wishes to appoint a supplier(s) to undertake the following work, in the form of two contracts: one covering the Energy Technology List Scheme Delivery; the other the combined Energy Technology List Scheme Research Programme Services and Products Policy Support Services. BEIS would like to invite potential bidders to a supplier engagement session. There will an opportunity to learn about the requirements to provide further clarity on the environment you will be working in, diversity and potential of this requirement. There will also be an opportunity for open floor questions. Lot 1: Energy Technology List Scheme Delivery Lot 2: - Work Strand A: Energy Technology List Research Programme Services - Work Strand B: Products Policy Support Services The lotting of this procurement will facilitate the greater aggregation of public sector demand and enable public sector to leverage greater efficiencies. It is the intention to appoint one supplier per Lot for an initial 3-year fixed term with the option to extend for a further 1 year. This Prior Information Notice is being issued in order to undertake a market consultation exercise with regards to the current view of requirements detailed above and in Section III of Section VI of this notice.

Lot Division

1 FM21186-01 - Energy Technology List Scheme Delivery

The Energy Technology List Scheme ("the ETL") was introduced by the Government in 2001 to increase the uptake of the most energy-efficient equipment types by industry. The ETL's purpose is to promote business energy-efficiency by influencing the design, availability, and uptake of the most energy-efficient equipment types within the remit of the scheme; and getting businesses of all sizes to use the ETL as a principal procurement tool for purchases of energy-saving equipment. The ETL intends to address information barriers to improve the uptake of the most energy-efficient plant and machinery in the UK. A lack of information about product energy efficiency, in particular energy performance information, may make it difficult to make the 'right' decision when purchasing a product. Where information is available it might be too costly or time-consuming to access or interpret. It is hoped that the ETL overcomes such barriers by providing information about energy-efficient plant and machinery against a set of transparent protocols. Lot 1 - Aims and Objectives • Maintain and develop an efficient ETL scheme • In doing so, the supplier should: o Provide a high level of customer care o Take appropriate steps to protect and promote the ETL brand o Demonstrate a willingness and ability to innovate and seek out efficiencies o Collaborate closely with the Lot 2 supplier to deliver a seamless, complementary service (unless they are the same supplier) o Encourage growth to improve the impact of the policy and increase uptake by existing and new audiences o Document and demonstrate the impact of efforts to meet these objectives. Lot 1 - Responsibilities This section provides a high-level overview of the main responsibilities expected of the supplier, broken down into the following four work streams: 1. Delivery of the scheme, including its continued marketing, promotion, development and improved performance, working closely with the supplier for Lot 2. 2. Maintaining the ETPL by processing applications and adding/removing new products on a monthly basis based on the qualifying criteria; 3. Annual revision: updating the ETPL and guidance documents to ensure continued level of compliance with the annual revision to the ETCL; 4. Responding to written or verbal stakeholder enquiries about the ETL scheme. Lot 1 is estimated to be £410,000.00 per annum excluding VAT and estimated to be valued at £1,640,000.00 excluding VAT for the full term of the Contract. It is the intention to let this Lot as a 3-year fixed term with the option to extend for a further 1 year. The decision to extend the contract will be subject to review at the end of year 3. Services under this lot will be agreed on a Task Order basis, with the scope detailed in advance and a nominal time budget allocated to it. The Department would like to invite interested suppliers to attend a supplier engagement session, further information on the session can be found within Section II.1.4 of this notice.

2 FM21186-02 - Energy Technology List Research Programme Services and Products Policy Support Services

The Energy Technology List Scheme ("the ETL") was introduced by the Government in 2001 to increase the uptake of the most energy-efficient equipment types by industry. The ETL's purpose is to promote business energy-efficiency by influencing the design, availability, and uptake of the most energy-efficient equipment types within the remit of the scheme; and getting businesses of all sizes to use the ETL as a principal procurement tool for purchases of energy-saving equipment. The ETL intends to address information barriers to improve the uptake of the most energy-efficient plant and machinery in the UK. A lack of information about product energy efficiency, in particular energy performance information, may make it difficult to make the 'right' decision when purchasing a product. Where information is available it might be too costly or time-consuming to access or interpret. It is hoped that the ETL overcomes such barriers by providing information about energy-efficient plant and machinery against a set of transparent protocols. Lot 2 is split into two workstreams as identified below: • Work Strand A: Energy Technology List Research Programme Services • Work Strand B: Products Policy Support Services Work strand B: Products Policy Support Services BEIS's policy work on energy-related products seeks to improve the environmental performance (energy-efficiency in particular) for specific products and product groups and better inform end users about energy efficiency and other relevant environmental impacts. The Authority is seeking a supplier to provide policy support services to help the UK Government develop and implement policies to improve the energy efficiency and other environmental impacts of energy related products, in particular by supporting the development of energy efficiency and energy labelling standards. Products policy covers a large number of domestic and non-domestic energy related product groups, and requires information on markets and performance of products to inform the development of policy. Lot 2 - Aims and Objectives • Support the development of an evidence base to underpin the consideration of policies to improve the environmental performance (energy- and resource-efficiency) of Energy-related Products and the uptake of the highest performing products. • Support the implementation of policies to improve the environmental performance (energy- and resource-efficiency) of Energy-related Products and the uptake of the highest performing products. • In order to do so, the supplier should: o Provide high-quality, timely, neutral and tailored research and technical advice on Energy-related Products and related policy levers o Have strong working relationships with UK industry, in order to facilitate information exchange and collaboration o Have a good understanding of the EU Energy-related Product policy process and be willing and able to track this and provide insights to BEIS o Provide high-quality modelling of policy options and undertake cost-benefit analysis o Demonstrate a willingness and ability to innovate and seek out efficiencies when undertaking tasks o Act on their own initiative where they identify potential for improvement when undertaking tasks, albeit within the relevant legal requirements and the reasonable scope of the policy objective set by BEIS o Collaborate closely with the Lot 1 supplier to deliver a seamless, complementary service for the ETL (unless they are the same supplier) Lot 2 - Responsibilities Work Strand A: Energy Technology List Research Programme Services 1. Provide expertise to support applications for ETL product listing and new technology proposals; 2. Conducting a research programme to make recommendations for annual revisions to the Energy Technology List including detailed proposals for updating the ETCL 3. Managing and conducting a proportionate annual testing regime to ensure the continued integrity of the ETL and to support the applications appeals process. Work Strand B: Products Policy Support Services 1. Providing technical briefing and analysis on specific Energy-related Products, Model impacts and Developing cost-benefit analysis of policy options; 2. Updating the Products Policy model with potential policy impacts; 3. Maintaining a fully documented Information Management System to house the Products Policy evidence base; 4. Responding to ad hoc requests for briefing, data or analysis on specific products or issues or other related activities. 5. Support BEIS in international energy efficiency work such as global policy fora and COP26 Product Energy Efficiency Call to Action. Lot 2 is estimated to be £1,129,000.00 per annum excluding VAT and estimated to be valued at £4,516,000.00 excluding VAT for the full term of the Contract. It is the intention to let this Lot as a 3-year fixed term with the option to extend for a further 1 year. The decision to extend the contract will be subject to review at the end of year 3. Services under this lot will be agreed on a Task Order basis, with the scope detailed in advance and a nominal time budget allocated to it. The Department would like to invite interested suppliers to attend a supplier engagement session, further information on the session can be found within Section II.1.4 of this notice.

CPV Codes

  • 73000000 - Research and development services and related consultancy services
  • 71000000 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
  • 75100000 - Administration services
  • 79000000 - Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security

Other Information

The supplier engagement session is due to take place on Tuesday 28th September 2021 via Microsoft Teams. The timing of the supplier is yet to be confirmed however anticipate the session will take place in the afternoon. The supplier engagement session will last approximately 90 minutes, comprising the following: • Overview of the requirements • Open floor Q&A Following the supplier day the Department would like to engage in individual Q&A sessions to address any concerns and views on formulation of its requirements not raised at the supplier engagement session. Further information on the individual sessions and how to register will be provided at the supplier engagement session. Useful feedback from the day and Q&A sessions may be used to inform the final tender documentation, ensuring all valid options are considered. If you believe that this will be of interest to you and your organisation, please register your interest by sending an email to confirming your organisation and the name of attendees. Space is limited on the supplier day, and attendance is restricted to 3 people per supplier. We would request that attendance is restricted to key members of your organisation that would have a keen interest in this project and be able to add value to the discussions that will take place. By registering and attending you will be engaging in non-competitive dialogue which will enable BEIS to develop and assess the market's appetite, concerns, and views on formulation of its requirements. BEIS may consider the information and responses received as part of the preliminary market consultation to help inform the specification and further decision making in relation to the planning and conduct of the procurement, ensuring all valid options are considered. For the avoidance of doubt, this notice is not a Call for Competition; a Contract Notice will be issued as a call for competition. Not registering an interest shall not prevent any supplier participating in a future procurement, nor is it intended that any information supplied as part of the preliminary market consultation shall place any supplier at an advantage in a potential procurement process. ** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. **

