IA2441 Community Independence & Integration Support for Unaccompanied Asylum Seeker Children

A Tender Notice

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Contract (Services)
2 year
23 Sep 2021
01 Apr 2022 to 31 Mar 2024
25 Oct 2021 11:00




Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


Overall description – This service is for the provision of a Community Independence and Integration Support Service for Staffordshire’s Unaccompanied Asylum Seeker Children (UASC) and Refugee Children accepted by Staffordshire County Council as part of the United Kingdom Resettlement Scheme (UKRS). This provision will provide support, encouragement, and opportunities for Staffordshire’s UASC and UKRS Refugee Children population to engage in their community through various community assets in order to benefit the resident community, promote positive outcomes for these young people and achieve community cohesion. The vision is to ensure that all these children and young people have a network of support to help them manage their own challenges, develop robust independence skills, and achieve their goals and ambitions to be contributing, positive members of society. The service will be provided to all UASC and UKRS Refugee Children and on occasion may include children and young people living outside of Staffordshire County. The service will operate from a central Hub within the central Newcastle Under Lyme area of Staffordshire. Further Background and Context Information can be found in the IA2441 Service Specification on the Authority’s Proactis electronic tendering system. How to register - follow the link to Proactis electronic tendering: https://supplierlive.proactisp2p.com/Account/Login The Government is also looking to settle Afghan families of Afghan locally employed staff who have previously worked with British forces and British Embassy staff in Afghanistan within the UK. The Council intends to accept Afghan families as part of the Afghan Locally Employed Staff (LES) Relocation Scheme during 2021. Children in these families will also be supported by this service.

Total Quantity or Scope

This service provision will comprise of the following key elements: Specialist Hub – It will be a multi-faceted and a central point from which young people are supported to engage in community activities and social action utilising local community assets and initiatives. UASC & Refugee Children Community Education & Training Service – providing a support function to operational staff, helping to improve outcomes providing them with a holistic educational and training experience that addresses their unique needs within the educational environment. The service will work with Staffordshire’s UASC in foster care, residential placements, supported accommodation and living independently. The Service Hub will have a base in Newcastle-under-Lyme and will also offer support for UASC both on a countrywide basis in community settings and beyond via their digital/outreach offer. A number of USAC Leaving care with SC have moved out of County and live in areas as far reaching as London and will need to receive Information and Guidance support digitally. The provider will be responsible for designing and staffing structure and arrangements in detail to allow for flexible and non-prescriptive delivery and to meet the required demand. The provider will be required to develop a tailored package of support with the USAC to enable creative solutions to meet their needs and improve outcomes. The skills expected from staff and volunteers will include, but not limited to the following: Be experienced and sufficiently skilled in working with vulnerable USAC Be able to respond promptly and confidently to safeguarding concerns Provide support and challenge to USAC Assertiveness and persistence Building trust and respect Empowering and enabling USAC Solution focused practice

Renewal Options

The contract term will be from 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2024, with an option to extend by 12 months to 31st March 2025 and a further option to extend by 12 months to 31st March 2026

Award Criteria

Experience 5%
Service Delivery 10%
UASC Community Education and Training Service 7.5%
Community Cohesion 4%
Safeguarding 5%
Implementation & Mobilisation 2.5%
Social Value 3%
Case Study 3%
price 60%

CPV Codes

  • 85000000 - Health and social work services
  • 98000000 - Other community, social and personal services


  • This is a recurring contract.
  • Options are available.
  • Renewals are available.

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** This is an electronic tender. All submission must be made via the formal Contracting Authority electronic tendering platform. All requests for information to be sent through the electronic tendering portal and message facility on the Proactis electronic tendering system. How to register — follow the link to Proactis electronic tendering: https://supplierlive.proactisp2p.com/Account/Login If you require urgent assistance regarding the initial usage of the e-Tendering package please contact the Contracting Authority point-of-contact in Section I.1 of this notice. On failure to reach this contact, please immediately email the nature of the difficulty to commercial.team@staffordshire.gov.uk This procurement is for a Contract between the appointed providers(s) and the Contracting Authority, to supply predominately services on an ad-hoc call-off basis, as and when required. The Contracting Authority or its public sector partners/Customers makes no guarantee as to the volume of business on offer or to be awarded, and any volumes given are indicative only and intended as a general guide. There is no commitment at the time of tendering from any parties outside of the Contracting Authority and this should be taken into consideration when bidding. Financing / Payment: payments may be made following acceptance by the banking agents of Staffordshire County Council. Legal form of groups of providers: no special legal form is required by the grouping of providers but each provider will be required to become jointly or severally responsible for the contract before acceptance. For reference the following website outlines the Contracting Authority's policy on the Community Right to Challenge: http://www.staffordshire.gov.uk/business/procurement/Community-Right-to-Challeng...

