NHS Southport&Formby CCG & NHS South Sefton CCG - Community Dermatology Service
A Tender Notice
- Source
- Find a Tender
- Type
- Contract (Services)
- Duration
- 3 year
- Value
- ___
- Sector
- Published
- 01 Oct 2021
- Delivery
- To 21 Oct 2024 (est.)
- Deadline
- 22 Oct 2021 11:00

4 buyers
- NHS Midlands & Lancashire CSU Bootle
- NHS Southport & Formby CCG Southport
NHS Southport & Formby CCG and NHS South Sefton CCG – Community Dermatology Service NHS Midlands and Lancashire Commissioning Support Unit (CSU) are working on behalf of NHS Southport & Formby CCG and NHS South Sefton CCG who wish to procure a Community Dermatology Service for patients living in the CCG areas. The aim of the service is to provide support within a community setting for patients with acute and chronic skin conditions.
Total Quantity or Scope
The CCGs operate 4 levels of Dermatology provision for patients. These are: Level 1 – Self-management Level 2 – GP Management Level 3 – Community Dermatology Service Level 4 – Acute specialist care The CCGs are looking to commission the level 3 Community Dermatology service within this procurement. The aim of the service is to provide support within a community setting for patients with acute and chronic skin conditions. Further information is available in the service specification available within the Selection Questionnaire documents. The potential contract will be valued at approximately £800,000 per year; and the contract duration will be for 3 years with the potential to extend for a further 1 x 2-year period. Further information is available from https://mlcsu.bravosolution.co.uk Bidders are asked to note that the deadline for submitting any clarification questions is Thursday 14th October 2021; and the deadline for submitting a Selection Questionnaire response is Friday 22nd October 2021.
Renewal Options
There will be an initial contract period of 3 years commencing on 1st July 2022. There will be the option to extend for a further 2-year period from 1st July 2025. The contract value is set at £4,000,000 over the entire 5-year contract period – please refer to breakdown in section II 2.4.
CPV Codes
- 85121282 - Dermatology services
- Bids should cover the whole contract.
- Renewals are available.
- Award on basis of price and quality.
Other Information
This procurement is for Social and other specific services which are Light Touch Regime services for the purpose of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 as specified in Schedule 3 of the Regulations (‘Regulations’) http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2015/102/schedule/3/made Accordingly, the Contracting Authority is only bound by those parts of the Regulations detailed in Chapter 3 Particular Procurement Regimes Section 7 http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2015/102/part/2/chapter/3/made The Contracting Authority is not voluntarily following any other part of the Regulations. The only selection for type of Procedure was “Restricted” and the Contracting Authority wishes to clarify that this is not a Restricted procedure but “Other” procedure under the Light Touch Regime. The procedure which the Contracting Authority is following is set out in the procurement documents. The procedure which the Contracting Authority is following is set out in the procurement documents. As the CCG is a relevant body for the purpose of the National Health Service (Procurement, Patient Choice and Competition) (No 2) Regulations 2013 these Regulations also apply to this procurement. Right to Cancel: The Contracting Authority reserves the right to discontinue the procurement process at any time, which shall include the right not to award a contract or contracts, and does not bind itself to accept the lowest tender, or any tender received, and reserves the right to award a contract in part, or to call for new tenders should it consider this necessary. The Contracting Authority shall not be liable for any costs or expenses incurred by any candidate or tenderer in connection with the completion and return of the information requested in this Contract Notice, or in the completion or submission of any tender, irrespective of the outcome of the competition or if the competition is cancelled or postponed. All dates, time periods and values specified in this notice are provisional and the Contracting Authority reserves the right to change these. Transparency: The Contracting Authority is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR) and may be required to disclose information received in the course of this procurement under FOIA or the EIR. In addition, and in accordance with the UK Government's policies on transparency, the contracting authority intends to publish procurement documentation and the text of any resulting contractual arrangements, subject to possible redactions at the discretion of the Contracting Authority. Any redactions, whether in relation to information requests under FOIA, the EIR or policies on transparency will be in accordance with those grounds prescribed under the Freedom of Information Act. If and when this requirement is offered to tender, this will be done via electronic means using the internet. Midlands and Lancashire CSU is conducting this procurement exercise as a central purchasing body for another NHS body with whom the successful bidder(s) will enter into contracts for the supply of the services. Any other public-sector body detailed within this notice, wishing to access the contract may do so only with permission from the contracting NHS body. Further details will be made available via documentation and information released during the tender process. All documentation can be accessed via https://mlcsu.bravosolution.co.uk For technical support in submitting your Selection Questionnaire or tender submission, contact the Bravo Solution Help-desk on +44 8003684850 or E-mail: help@bravosolution.co.uk
- FTS 024524-2021