SOFT MARKET TESTING: The Newark Gateway Site

A Prior Information Notice

Find a Tender
Contract (Services)
not specified
11 Oct 2021
not specified



Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire:

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


This is not an invitation to tender process, and consists of a soft market testing questionnaire. Newark and Sherwood District Council (the Council) is undertaking a soft market testing exercise, with the aim of providing information to and requesting feedback from potential developers, about aspects of the Council’s future plans for the redevelopment of The Newark Gateway site bounded by Great North Road, the Nottingham to Lincoln railway, Newark Castle station and the A46 Newark Bypass. The deadline for responses is 12:00 noon on 26th November 2021, (late submissions will not be accepted). Please note that all responses are to be submitted as a response on ProContract.

Total Quantity or Scope

The aim of this soft market testing exercise is: • To understand the optimum way of packaging an approach to the market for the eventual development of the site, either as a whole or in parcels including ownership and disposal options • To gain an insight into the best model for structuring the development of the site in order to ensure delivery within an optimum timeframe and to obtain best value for the Council • To enable the Council to define the layout and content of site infrastructure to support the optimum development format sufficient to inform an outline planning application • To shape the likely future scope of delivery and potential future opportunities to potentially be presented to the market • For the Council to gain a better understanding of the optimum mix of facilities and plot sizes in order to deliver the best value for the community The soft market testing exercise is intended to allow interested organisations with appropriate knowledge and experience to outline their views and ideas about the future development of this site. The Council will consider the responses received as a result of this exercise to help inform the options appraisal and the decision-making process, to determine the form and content of future invitations to the market. Potential development partners will not be prejudiced by any response or failure to respond to the soft market testing. Potential future partners must also note that a response to this soft market testing exercise does not guarantee an invitation to participate in this or any future exercise that the Council may conduct.

CPV Codes

  • 71000000 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. **

