Health and Social Care Apps DPS

A Tender Notice

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Dps (Goods)
not specified
22 Oct 2021
To 29 Nov 2022 (est.)
29 Nov 2022 00:00



United Kingdom:

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
NHS London Procurement Partnership
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


The London Procurement Partnership is advertising for suppliers for a health and social care applications dynamic purchasing system. The purpose of this DPS will be to provide the public sector with a mechanism to procure safe and clinically beneficial applications and web based platforms to meet their health and social care needs supporting patients, clinicians and non-clinical staff. The initial categories covered under this DPS are: Category 1: Child health, Category 2: Diabetes and hormones, Category 3: Heart/blood vessels, Category 4: Mental health, Category 5: Pregnancy, Category 6: Brain/nerves, Category 7: Cancer, Category 8: Healthy living, Category 9: Joints/bone/muscle, Category 10: Medicines and clinical reference, Category 11: Covid-19 Support solutions, Category 12: Chest and lung, Category 13 – Blood, Category 14 – Dental, Category 15 – Ear / Nose / Throat / Mouth, Category 16 – Education, Category 17 – Eyes, Category 18 – First Aid, Category 19 – Gastrointestinal, Category 20 – Kidney / Genito-Urinary, Category 21 – Men’s Health, Category 22 – Sexual Health, Category 23 – Skin, Category 24 – Tropical Diseases, Category 25 – Woman’s Health. Please note that the categories have been split further in to subcategories (please refer to the document pack for further information). This OJEU notice is a republished notice from the original — 2019/S 192-465638. A notice was also published for categories 5-10 — 2020/S 042-100524 A notice was also published for categories 11-12 - 2020/S 062-149867 A notice was also published for categories 13-25 - 2020/S 105-255385

Total Quantity or Scope

The DPS is split in to subcategories. Please refer to Appendix 1 and 2 of the document pack for an exhaustive list.

Renewal Options

At the full discretion of the LPP we can extend the expiration date of this contract. The DPS will be for an initial term of 2 years with the option to extend on a 1-year rolling basis.

CPV Codes

  • 48000000 - Software package and information systems


  • This is a one-off contract (no recurrence)
  • Renewals are available.
  • It is a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for many bidders.

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** The framework agreement can be accessed via agreement by LPP and shall include the following organisations in the United Kingdom and their respective statutory successors and organisations created as a result of structural re-organisations or organisational changes. — central government departments and their executive agencies (a list of such departments and executive agencies can be found at — non-departmental public bodies (NDPBs) (a list of NDPBs can be found at Annex A to the Public Bodies Directory 2007 published by the cabinet office) which can be found at — National Health Service (NHS) bodies, including Clinical Commissioning Groups, NHS trusts, NHS foundation trusts, a special health authority and a local health board in England and Wales and other constituent bodies in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland including but not limited to: the Scottish ambulance service, — lists of all of such NHS bodies can be found at: • — all local authorities, a list of such authorities being available at: — police forces and other emergency services, including fire and rescue services, the maritime and coastguard agency and other rescue authorities a list of police authorities and fire and rescue services can be found respectively at the following: • — educational establishments i.e. schools maintained by local authorities, academies, city technology colleges, further education establishments and universities; — registered social landlords (RSLs), a list of such authorities being available at: — registered charities, as detailed at — devolved and other administrations within the British Isles, including those detailed at: • (in the case of Scotland) and • (in the case of Wales),OJ/S — healthcare providers in the channel islands: • https://gov.gg

