IA2455 Children's Community Support Flexible Framework (Including Domiciliary)

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
3.5 year
27 Oct 2021
01 Apr 2022 to 30 Sep 2025
26 Nov 2021 12:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


Staffordshire County Council (SCC) has a legal duty to ensure Children's Community Support (including Domiciliary Care) provision is in place to support Children and Young People (C/YP) with a range of Disabilities who have been assessed by a qualified Social Worker as being eligible for a personal care service within the family home and local community. Currently Providers support Children and Young People with a range of Disabilities, including Children and Young People with physical and learning Disabilities, autism and challenging behaviours, and many children have multiple needs. They provide a range of Care Packages across Staffordshire which are tailored to the specific needs of eligible Children and Young People. Similarly, SCC also has a legal duty to offer a range of commissioned community short breaks opportunities, ranging from community-based breaks of a few hours, to overnight short breaks for Children with Disabilities under the Breaks for Carers of Disabled Children regulations 2011. This programme of support is known as 'Aiming High for Children with Disabilities' in Staffordshire, and augments our in-house and commissioned Overnight Short Breaks Units, and the support of Short Breaks Foster Carers in providing the range of short breaks for Children to give parents and carers a meaningful short break from their caring responsibilities in order that they can maintained for the long term. SCC have previously commissioned a range of Providers from across Staffordshire to deliver Children's Community Support and Short Breaks on behalf of the Council, contracted as two separate support programmes. The Council has decided to commission 1:1 Lifeskills and Independence, which was part of the Children's Community Support and Short Breaks offer, as combined service under this Children's Community Support (including domiciliary) Service Specification. It is expected to be able to provide a more flexible, responsive support service that can draw on the Children, Young People and families' existing strengths, and focuses on development, independence, preparedness for adulthood, and provide cost effectiveness. This Service will comprise of four Lot's: • Lot 1- Lifeskills and Independence • Lot 2- Community and Home Care Support and socialisation • Lot 3- Sitting Services • Lot 4- Complex and Urgent Care

CPV Codes

  • 85000000 - Health and social work services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

