Project BOSKER Next Generation Chemical Detector (NGCD)

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Products)
9 year
28 Oct 2021
31 Mar 2023 to 31 Mar 2032
29 Nov 2021 17:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer


The Authority has a requirement for industry to design/enhance, develop & manufacture the Next Generation Chemical Detection Chemical Sense capability for airborne hazards, (including vapour and aerosol) & deposited hazards (including liquids and solids) known as 'Project BOSKER'. This procurement is exempt from the Defence & Security Public Contract Regulations on Grounds of National Security & is 'Secret 5 Eyes Only'. Only Suppliers from within UK, US, Canada, Australia & New Zealand may apply. However this does not stop companies with foreign ownership from applying if they have a UK registered business or subsidiary. Suppliers should have the ability & technology to meet the following high-level user needs: - Timely indication of toxic chemicals airborne in vapour & aerosol physical states, & then alert personnel to chemical threats within local areas. - Develop person worn capability for Hazard Warning (HW) & Residual Hazard Warning (RHW) for military personnel and potentially through modularisation of the person worn capability provide a hand-held capability to provide Hazard Location (HL) & Contamination of Assessment to military personnel. - Develop a base sense capability for HW & RHW to military personnel. - Provide chemical threat presumptive identification & the amount of hazard present allowing this data to report the event to Commaders. This information will support integrated warning, increase situational awareness, and improve battlefield management. - Obtain both a high level of chemical sensitivity & minimise the potential for false alarms (both false positive & false negative) to provide the user with confidence. - Deliver an integrated aerosol & vapour sense capability. - Both equipments are required to be network enabled. Suppliers need to hold, or be willing to obtain, List X status prior to contract award. The contract period is expected to be 5 yrs +1 +1 +1 +1 option yrs & include: a. Demonstration Phase to develop a prototype to be approved by the Authority, in conjunction with DSTL testing that meets the requirement prior to Y1 of the contract. b. Manufacture, supply, & delivery of specified chemical sensing equipment expected during Y2, Y3 & maybe Y4 of the contract. c. Repair & Spares support covering procurement of the full systems, part piece spares & component level spares. d. Technical support including updates to tech documentation, responding to technical queries from the users via DE&S Operations Manager. e. Provision of training equipment/training packages. Please refer to the additional text section for more information.

CPV Codes

  • 35113200 - Nuclear, biological, chemical and radiological protection equipment


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

Support will be fully defined in the ITN but is likely to be a range of specialised DIM & sense equipment likely to require consumable items & may have servicing, repair & calibration requirements.The Authority is seeking to procure a total of 8-9k units, consisting of 2.5-3k units for Lot 1 and 5.5-6k units for Lot 2.Scaling is estimated & to be confirmed at ITN. The Cyber Risk Profile for this requirement identified by the Cyber Risk Assessment is low (Ref No:657512766). Any questions related to Project BOSKER must be directed to the delivery team via the Defence Sourcing Portal. Please also reference to the Opportunities Listing on the DSP.

