Provision of Training - Skill Up Springboard
A Contract Award Notice
- Source
- Type
- Contract (Services)
- Duration
- 22.5 month (est.)
- Value
- £238K
- Sector
- Published
- 02 Nov 2021
- Delivery
- 12 Aug 2021 to 30 Jun 2023 (est.)
- Deadline
- n/a
2 buyers
- Somerset County Council Taunton
4 suppliers
- Aspire Training Team Bournemouth
- Bridgwater & Taunton College Bridgwater
- Hair Academy South West Taunton
- Somerset Business Agency CIC Langport
Following a successful application to the European Social Fund, Somerset County Council has secured £2,078,053 of European Social Fund (ESF) investment to deliver the Somerset Skills for Growth Project.
Total Quantity or Scope
Accredited units applicable to this tender can be found on the following site The Authority is conducting this procurement process in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. This tender opportunity falls within Schedule 3 of the Regulations (Social and Other Specific Services) and below the Light Touch Regime threshold. Whilst this means that this Tender is exempt from EU procurement rules, it will be run in accordance with the EU Treaty principles of transparency, non-discrimination, equal treatment, mutual recognition, and proportionality. Along with satisfying the essential criteria for contract award, we are inviting Applicants to submit comprehensive and realistic method statements, with associated timescales, outlining the proposed customer journey, from the point of creating / sourcing a referral / receiving a referral, to the end of a participant’s involvement. We will ask Applicants to explain how their delivery method will achieve the desired outputs/outcomes ensuring all associated risks and issues are highlighted along with any mitigating actions.
Award Detail
1 | Aspire Training Team (Bournemouth)
2 | Bridgwater & Taunton College (Bridgwater)
3 | Hair Academy South West (Taunton)
4 | Somerset Business Agency CIC (Langport)
Award Criteria
Delivering the Requirements | 15.0 |
Marketing the Opportunity | 15.0 |
Skills and Capacity | 20.0 |
Social Value | 10.0 |
Equality and Diversity and Environmental Sustainability | 10.0 |
PRICE | 30.0 |
CPV Codes
- 80530000 - Vocational training services
- Award on basis of price and quality.
Other Information
The Council is now seeking to procure and appoint suitably qualified suppliers to deliver the outputs and results specified within the Somerset Skills for Growth Grant Funding Agreement. It is intended that this will be spread across several suppliers according to the overall requirements, and the Applicant’s capacity. As such Applicants are encouraged to bid for only the elements, they are capable and have the capacity to provide. ‘Skill Up Springboard’ will offer units at any accredited level, excluding basic skills. Accredited units applicable to this tender can be found on the following site
- OJEU 560479-2021