Inhaler Information (C52043)
A Tender Notice
- Source
- Contracts Finder
- Type
- Contract (Services)
- Duration
- 2 month
- Value
- £95K
- Sector
- Published
- 05 Nov 2021
- Delivery
- 07 Dec 2021 to 06 Feb 2022
- Deadline
- 22 Nov 2021 17:00
1 buyer
Inhalers account for 3% of the overall NHS carbon footprint. Most of these emissions come from the propellants used in metered dose inhalers (MDIs). Lower carbon alternatives, such as dry-powder inhalers (DPIs), are available and clinically equivalent for many patients. The NHS Long Term Plan and the NHS Net Zero Strategy set targets to deliver significant and accelerated reductions in the total emissions from the NHS by moving to lower carbon inhalers. Irrespective of the type of inhaler prescribed, suboptimal use of inhalers also contributes to higher carbon emissions. There is therefore an opportunity to both improve patient outcomes and reduce carbon emissions from inhalers, by optimising the choice and the use of inhalers for respiratory conditions. Objectives The objective of this assignment is to • create patient resources that support patient choice of a greener inhaler and optimal use of inhaler, to improve patient outcome and reduce carbon emissions; it is expected that some of this will only be signposting to existing resources (e.g. on inhaler technique and adherence) while some will be new material (e.g. greener inhaler) • disseminate and promote these resources to inhaler users, their family and carers in an impactful way A key objective of this contract will be to bring the key messages together in a unified and clear narrative. The messaging is complex, and therefore the Authority are expecting the provider to present a robust and evidence-based proposal on the best way to communicate those messages across the target audiences, including proposals on measures of success. The provider will be expected to develop patient resources to promote the NHS key messages around choice, use and disposal of inhalers. The resources should be adapted to various stages of the patient pathway, including: • At the end of an appointment where a new inhaler treatment has been discussed (including a change of inhaler), and the clinician can signpost patients to more information • Between two appointments, to raise awareness of key messages among patients and prompt conversation with their clinician • At the pharmacy when patients collect or bring back their inhalers
CPV Codes
- 79413000 - Marketing management consultancy services
- 79342000 - Marketing services
- Contract is suitable for SMEs.
- Contract is suitable for VCOs.
Other Information
• On an ongoing basis, for patients looking for more information around choice and use of inhaler Interested suppliers should register on the NHS England & Improvement e-procurement system here: • Once logged in click 'Find Opportunities' and search for "Inhaler Information Resources Portal of C52043 • Click 'Register Interest' • Once you have registered your interest you will be able to view the Requirements and submit a response to Tthe ITQ within the portal. • Any messages about the opportunity should be sent via the e-procurement system. You can do this by going to the home page and: o Click on 'My proposals & Quotes' o Click the relevant Project Title o Click 'Messages' & 'New Message'
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