Supported Living for people with Learning Disabilities

A Pre-Procurement Notice

Contracts Finder
Future Contract ()
not specified
16 Nov 2021
not specified
13 Dec 2021 23:59



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


The Council in partnership with the CCG are alerting qualified support providers to the potential requirement to establish and deliver a new supported living service. The location of the proposed service is not yet confirmed but will be within reasonable access to Brighton and Hove. The support provider will be required to work in partnership with Commissioners, any landlord and the individual and their representatives to assist in design and implementation of the physical space and support the individual's successful hospital discharge. The service will be required to register with the Care Quality Commission to provide regulated activity of personal care. The model of the service required is currently being finalised. It will begin as a single person service, but providers may be required to adapt over time to deliver a hub and spoke service for three individuals within a single building/site. From the outset, the service will be required to support an individual who has Learning Disabilities, Autism and complex additional needs relating to their behaviours, environment and sensory needs. They need 3:1 staff support with access to 2 further staff at all times and to be supported via Positive Behaviour Support Approach. The focus of the service is the health and wellbeing of the individual who is currently in hospital out of area - this service will support their discharge back to the local community. It is the wish of their family, working in conjunction with the Commissioners, to provide a stable home-based environment in order to provide a high level of Individual Care and Support to allow the individual to live independently. A fundamental aim of the service is to provide an arrangement that enables the person to live, socialise, learn and play an active part in their community and which maximises their health and wellbeing. The service should support the person to access the community in a positive way to enable them to achieve their specified outcomes. The provider will ensure that the service is delivered in accordance with recognised and accredited practice. The provider will be required to provide flexible care and support solutions and will work in partnership with the individual, their family, the Commissioners and social care professionals to ensure that the person's outcomes are achieved. The Council are exploring undertaking the procurement of the support provider via a Supported Living DPS, hosted by adam (URL details below). Interested providers not currently enrolled on the DPS should do so as soon as possible. A Care and Support Plan will be provided - this will be agreed from the outset of the placement and revised as necessary in collaboration with partners. It is anticipated that the opportunity will be opened in Dec 2021, with the aim of appointing a provider in Feb 2022. Please note, this notice is not a call for competition or Contract Notice - full details on the procurement will be issued via DPS.

CPV Codes

  • 85000000 - Health and social work services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

Interested providers that are not currently active on the BHCC Supported Living DPS should register at: Further detail on the DPS can be found under the "Supported Living" category of the Brighton and Hove City Council section on this page: Please note, there are a number of steps to complete for entry onto the DPS, interested providers should register as soon as possible to allow for submission and assessment of the application for entry. Link to DPS Registration Page NHS England Learning Disabilities information

