CQC Leadership Programme

A Pre-Procurement Notice

Contracts Finder
Future Contract ()
not specified
26 Nov 2021
not specified
10 Dec 2021 23:59



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


The Care Quality Commission, the Health and Social Care regulator (CQC) is embarking on the next phase of its strategic direction. This new strategy strengthens our commitment to deliver our purpose to ensure health and care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high quality care and to encourage those services to improve. Our strategy is purposefully ambitious and to implement it we will need to work with others to make it a reality. As part of delivering our future strategy, we are refreshing our Leadership strategy. Some of the key drivers and aims for our future leadership strategy, to enable our people to be the best they can be, include: • We work collaboratively across teams as the norm, with broader systems thinking. • We are ambitious and challenge ourselves to improve, focusing on impact, performance and outcomes. • We strive towards an environment of inclusion, belonging and trust. • We lead change with integrity, compassion and focus. • We use data and insight in support of decisions, learning and innovation. • We feel safe to try out new ideas and approaches and recognise trying, failing and learning. Our values, which were developed through extensive consultation with our people and are well embedded in the organisation, are Excellence, Teamwork, Integrity and Caring. We have a behavioural framework called Success Profiles which outlines what good looks like against key behavioural attributes for all grades. Diversity and Inclusion is also a golden thread through all of our work and therefore the programme.

CPV Codes

  • 80420000 - E-learning services
  • 80500000 - Training services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

If you are interested in the opportunity to respond to a future procurement please complete the Request for Information document and return to commercialcontracts@cqc.org.uk by 17:00pm 10th December 2021 Please use the request for information response document if you wish to express your interest in this potential procurement. All documents must be sent to the commercialcontracts@cqc.org.uk inbox by 17:00pm 10 December 2021. CQC will not accept any late responses. This is the Leadership Programme Brief 20211124 CQC Leadership programme brief.docx This slide pack provides further information on the Leadership Programme 2021125 CQC Leadership programme Slide Pack.pptx This documents provides you with instructions on how to express your interest in this potential procurement CQC RFI Instructions and Guidance Template v1.0.docx This document is the response document to be used to respond to this Request for Information CQC RFI Response Document Template v1.0.docx

