PS21174 - Green Heat Network Fund Evaluation

A Pre-Procurement Notice

Contracts Finder
Future Contract ()
not specified
30 Nov 2021
not specified
06 Dec 2021 23:59



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


*Please note this is not a call for competition, This is a PIN notice for a BEIS requirement.* Research Summary The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) wishes to commission an evaluation of the Green Heat Network Fund (GHNF) project. The GHNF is a capital grant programme providing funding for low-carbon heat generation and primary distribution for both new and existing heat networks. A heat network is a distribution system of insulated pipes that take heat from a central source and deliver it to a number of buildings, and they are a crucial aspect of the critical path to decarbonising heat. The GHNF will address barriers to developing low-carbon heat networks, and will contribute towards creating a sustainable heat networks market. Project sponsors (public, private and third sector) will apply directly to the fund, which will be operated by a Delivery Partner on behalf of BEIS. The GHNF is expected to build on progress made by the Heat Networks Investment Project (HNIP). As GHNF has had the opportunity to learn from the evaluation of HNIP, there are no plans to run a GHNF pilot scheme. BEIS expects the study to deliver interim and final process, impact and economic evaluations, beginning with a scoping exercise in February 2022 and continuing until March 2027, two years after the scheme closes to applicants. Interim findings will be used to inform any changes to the GHNF scheme design, and future policy. Given the complex nature of the GHNF and its interactions, a complexity-appropriate approach to planning and delivering the evaluation is essential. BEIS suggests this is achieved through a modular approach to evaluation planning and delivery, to ensure the evaluation can remain flexible and responsive to both its own findings and any changes to the scheme or the wider context. BEIS expects contractors to primarily use a theory-based approach, to understand in depth the reasons why and how the scheme did or did not achieve its desired outcomes. We are open to suggestions from contractors on specific methodologies but expect the evaluation to develop and be underpinned by a theory of change. The evaluation will require extensive fieldwork to understand how and why the GHNF is achieving its outcomes, including surveys and interviews with a range of stakeholders. It will also use monitoring data to make quantitative assessments of progress. The economic evaluation will use the HMT Green Book methodology to evaluate overall costs and benefits of the GHNF. At the supplier engagement event, we will explain our thinking on the evaluation specification and seek input from evaluation experts on methods that would help evaluate the process, impact and value for money of the GHNF. There will be presentations from: • The Heat Networks Analysis team who are commissioning the evaluation • The Heat Networks team who are responsible for delivering the GHNF UKSBS procurement specialists on the procurement process

CPV Codes

  • 73200000 - Research and development consultancy services
  • 79300000 - Market and economic research; polling and statistics


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

We would like to invite prospective bidders to attend a pre-market engagement session on Tuesday 7th December 2021 10:00 - 12:00 via MS Teams. The agenda for the day is as follows: • 10:00-10:10: Introduction • 10:10-10:30: Overview of the Green Heat Network Fund • 10:30-11:00: Overview of the Green Heat Network Fund proposed evaluation plan • 11:00-11:15: Procurement overview (UKSBS) • 11:15-11:45: Q&A • 11:45-12:00: Close and next steps Note that the route to market will be via CCS Research & Insights DPS (RM6126) ( and to bid for this work the lead contractor will have to be registered on the CCS Research & Insights DPS (RM6126) prior to the requirement being launched. The pre-market engagement session will be held on Tuesday, 7th December 2021, 10:00 - 12:00 via MS Teams. This will provide an opportunity for potential providers to find out more about the aims of the procurement and the process. Providers wishing to attend need to RSVP by Monday, 6th December 2021 at 15.00 stating their name, company and email. This information should be sent to the following email address: for the attention of Alexandra Richards. Please ensure that the subject heading for the email is as follows: PS21174 Green Heat Network Fund Evaluation Market Engagement Event.

