Croydon Intermediate Care Bed Service

A Prior Information Notice

Find a Tender
Contract (Services)
not specified
30 Nov 2021
not specified



Accessible to patients in north Croydon

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
NHS South West London CCG
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


NHS South West London CCG is inviting expressions of interest from suitably experienced and capable providers, to provide an Intermediate Care Bed Service to residents within the borough of Croydon. Specifically, the service will provide a range of 'step- up' and 'step down' nursing beds through joint working with the NHS and Croydon Council to ensure that Service Users' physical, mental, and social wellbeing needs are met and avoid acute hospital stays where it is appropriate to do so. Noting the wider Intermediate Care model that will be supported by NHS and Council services, this invitation for expressions of interest, is for providers of nurse lead and carer delivered beds in the community setting, appropriately registered with the Care Quality Commission. The service is intended to provide up to fourteen (14) Intermediate Care Beds in Croydon on a "block" (fixed value) contract basis. The service should have a flexibility to increase bed capacity by six (6) additional nursing beds, particularly during the winter pressure period and at other times when additional capacity is needed. IDEALLY, this capacity could be made available in two (2) locations across Croydon, i.e. one being accessible for patients in the north of Croydon, the other being more accessible in the south of Croydon. The CCG's model for Intermediate Care includes for a range of functions such as specialist therapeutic input to support delivery of responsive rehabilitation for people who would otherwise face unnecessarily prolonged hospital stays; or inappropriate admission to acute inpatient care; or long-term residential care. However, this therapeutic element is intended to be commissioned separately by the CCG, to be delivered by the Community Teams of the Croydon Health Services NHS Trust. Social Workers funded and commissioned by Croydon Council will also support clients' needs throughout their stay. Current thinking is that the contract(s) may have an initial duration of 2 years, with potential to be extended for up to a further 2 years (4 years being the maximum). The modelled contract value is in the region of £800k per year to meet the current needs of Croydon's residents, with the initial 2-year duration worth up to £1.6m (or £3.2m if 4 years). £800k assumes access to 14 beds over 8 months of the year (April through November) and access to 20 beds over 4 months (December through March), with an average weekly cost per bed of £962. NHS South West London CCG is inviting expressions of interest from suitably experienced and capable providers, to provide an Intermediate Care Bed Service to residents within the borough of Croydon. Specifically, the service will provide a range of 'step- up' and 'step down' nursing beds through joint working with the NHS and Croydon Council to ensure that Service Users' physical, mental, and social wellbeing needs are met and avoid acute hospital stays where it is appropriate to do so. Noting the wider Intermediate Care model that will be supported by NHS and Council services, this invitation for expressions of interest, is for providers of nurse lead and carer delivered beds in the community setting, appropriately registered with the Care Quality Commission. The service is intended to provide up to fourteen (14) Intermediate Care Beds in Croydon on a "block" (fixed value) contract basis. The service should have a flexibility to increase bed capacity by six (6) additional nursing beds, particularly during the winter pressure period and at other times when additional capacity is needed. IDEALLY, this capacity could be made available in two (2) locations across Croydon, i.e. one being accessible for patients in the north of Croydon, the other being more accessible in the south of Croydon. The CCG's model for Intermediate Care includes for a range of functions such as specialist therapeutic input to support delivery of responsive rehabilitation for people who would otherwise face unnecessarily prolonged hospital stays; or inappropriate admission to acute inpatient care; or long-term residential care. However, this therapeutic element is intended to be commissioned separately by the CCG, to be delivered by the Community Teams of the Croydon Health Services NHS Trust. Social Workers funded and commissioned by Croydon Council will also support clients' needs throughout their stay. Current thinking is that the contract(s) may have an initial duration of 2 years, with potential to be extended for up to a further 2 years (4 years being the maximum). The modelled contract value is in the region of £800k per year to meet the current needs of Croydon's residents, with the initial 2-year duration worth up to £1.6m (or £3.2m if 4 years). £800k assumes access to 14 beds over 8 months of the year (April through November) and access to 20 beds over 4 months (December through March), with an average weekly cost per bed of £962. Additional information: A competitive procurement is being assumed (subject to market interest and capability), which is currently scheduled to commence in early 2022 to enable a maximum of two providers to deliver the service from two locations in Croydon, covering the geographical spread of the borough (North and South). The contract(s) will be expected to be awarded by April 2022 and service commencement would then be anticipated from July 2022.

Lot Division

1 Intermediate Care Beds for NORTH Croydon
2 Intermediate Care Beds for SOUTH Croydon

CPV Codes

  • 85100000 - Health services


  • Restrictions apply to the lot award allocation.

Other Information

The CCG wishes to understand the views of interested providers, particularly in relation to challenges in providing intermediate care beds in Croydon. Responses to this invitation for expressions of interest are likely to initiate follow-up engagement by the CCG. ** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** A competitive procurement is being assumed (subject to market interest and capability), which is currently scheduled to commence in early 2022 to enable a maximum of two providers to deliver the service from two locations in Croydon, covering the geographical spread of the borough (North and South). … Responses to this invitation for expressions of interest are likely to initiate follow-up engagement by the CCG. ***TO EXPRESS YOUR INTEREST and to COMMENCE ENGAGEMENT with the CCG, you are invited to COMPLETE a Market Engagement Questionnaire (MEQ) and return this ASAP by 12noon, Thursday 16th December 2021. Please return your completed MEQ via the messaging facility of the e-procurement system "EU-Supply" which is available at *Note: If not already registered with EU-Supply, you will need to register FREE of charge. This will be the main portal to be used to communicate with interested providers, and through which the procurement process will be managed. An attached document "EU-Supply User Guide" will be helpful. If you need technical support on the EU-Supply Portal, please contact the EU-Supply Helpdesk on 0800 840 2050 or Once logged into EU-Supply, search for Tender/RFI ID 47433 - "Croydon Intermediate Care Bed Service". Provider organisations responding with a completed Market Engagement Questionnaire to confirm their interest, are likely to be invited to engage further with the CCG, including the CCG sharing latest versions of the service specifications, activity and financial modelling and the commercial approach being developed for the contract - all ahead of any possible procurement process. Note, whilst your response is not a pre-requisite to any future procurement opportunity, responses, or lack of them will be used by the CCG as evidence and inform selection of the most appropriate process to award a contract(s), including whether a competitive process should be used.

