Domestic Abuse Data Support in Tameside
A Tender Notice
- Source
- Contracts Finder
- Type
- Contract (Services)
- Duration
- 2 month
- Value
- £40K
- Sector
- Published
- 10 Dec 2021
- Delivery
- 29 Jan 2022 to 31 Mar 2022
- Deadline
- 07 Jan 2022 17:00
1 buyer
Tameside has higher reported rates of domestic abuse than all three of its' statistical neighbours, life expectancy is 9.5 years lower for men and 9 years lower for women in the most deprived areas of the borough and children in Tameside are more likely to live in low income families than the national average. We know that domestic abuse has an impact on the lives of survivors and that this can be complex and long-lasting. We also know that in order to respond to population needs and monitor the impact of our interventions, we need a clear evidence base to support decision-making. Our 2021 Statutory Domestic Abuse Needs Assessment provided significant recommendations regarding the way that Tameside MBC capture, report and analyse data relating to the subject of domestic abuse. Over 50% of all recommendations were related to data in some form. These recommendations are in relation to numerous public and commissioned services, including: children's social care, adult's social care, the homelessness advice service, our specialist domestic abuse provider and the CCG. The Domestic Abuse Act 2021 requires local authority Domestic Abuse Partnership Boards to monitor the success of implementing new duties around providing support to victims of domestic abuse in safe accommodation. In order for us to do this, we require an improved and targeted performance dashboard. This will enable us to meet our new duties, track the impact of our commissioned services and the outcomes we are achieving for victim-survivors of domestic abuse and their children. The Project For this project, we require a data expert to work with multiple stakeholders across the local authority, specialist providers and partner agencies. We expect the successful provider to: • Set up and run a working group with key stakeholders for the duration of the project - this may be provided via a combination of both face to face and virtual provision. • Identify and collaborate with partners and the Domestic Abuse Partnership Board to identify the key performance indicators. • Work with data leads across multiple service areas to understand current data capture around domestic abuse • Set up the quarterly performance data collection process with trial run in Q1 2022/23 and full implementation by Q2 2022/23 • Develop a Tameside domestic abuse dashboard for adults who are victims of domestic abuse that is compatible with the existing IT infrastructure within the local authority. • Develop a Tameside domestic abuse dashboard for children and young people who are victims of domestic abuse that is compatible with the existing IT infrastructure within the local authority. • Upskill staff across agencies on how to identify and submit accurate data in a timely manner and produce supporting guidance to support compliance
CPV Codes
- 71620000 - Analysis services
- Contract is suitable for SMEs.
- Contract is suitable for VCOs.
- TAME001-DN587093-67446822
- CF 3062d768-46c4-4157-84a9-a2bf4e936923