Marine Geophysical and Geotechnical Surveys

A Tender Notice

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Contract (Services)
0.5 year
18 Dec 2021
To 05 Oct 2022 (est.)
17 Jan 2022 12:00




Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


Marine Geophysical and Geotechnical Surveys for HVDC Interconnector Cable route between Morocco and the UK. Scope to include data acquisition, processing, charting and reporting.

Total Quantity or Scope

Description of procurement: Provision of marine geophysical and geotechnical sSurveys for HVDC interconnector cable route between Morocco and the UK. Survey route is approximately 3,600km. Xlinks is developing an HVDC interconnector between Morocco and the United Kingdom. This notice concerns the award of 1 contract for the marine geophysical, geotechnical and environmental route investigation surveys along the interconnector route between Morocco and the United Kingdom. The survey shall be carried out in a designated corridor centred on the cable route. The corridor is expected to vary with water depth but will be no less than 700m wide and the centre line distance of the cable route is expected to be approximately 3,600 km. Though these figures are subject to variation. The route survey must provide a detailed mapping of the bathymetry, of the seabed surface including morphological and geological features and man-made-objects and of the sub-surface geology. The scope of the assignment will include the following: 1) Nearshore and offshore geophysical and hydrographic survey; This survey is to be undertaken along the entire route. The shore-ends will use land-based observations at low tide and shallow draft vessel to ensure data coverage extends across the entire proposed cable route from beach to beach. This will consist of a survey using all of the following geophysical sensors - side scan sonar (SSS), multi-beam echo sounder (MBES), magnetometer, sub-bottom profiling, and grab sampling to support seabed interpretation. Supplementary geophysical and topographic survey methods will be used across the inter-tidal areas and up to the beach at the landfall(s) in each country. 2) UXO survey; Magnetometer survey to detect potential UXO 3) Nearshore and offshore geotechnical investigations; The geotechnical survey will aim to provide information of the characteristics of the subsea soils through core sampling of the seabed with Vibrocorer or Piston corer (3m or 6m below seabed); CPT tests of the seabed (3m or 6m below seabed); T-bar tests; dissipation tests; box coring; deeper boreholes (~25m) at landfall locations (nearshore/onshore) to inform potential HDD requirements; measurement of seabed temperature and conductivity; geotechnical laboratory tests (including carbon dating, x-ray) and tests of thermal properties soil samples. 4) Nearshore and offshore benthic investigations; The benthic survey components will investigate the baseline conditions. This is likely to consist of benthic grab sampling and drop-down camera imagery and laboratory work with chemical and benthic analyses. 5) Nearshore g eotechnical boreholes. 6) ROV investigations; To investigate cables crossing locations providing depth of burial through cable-tracking sensors. II.2.5) Award criteria: Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents

CPV Codes

  • 71354500 - Marine survey services
  • 71355000 - Surveying services
  • 71332000 - Geotechnical engineering services
  • 71510000 - Site-investigation services
  • 71351923 - Bathymetric surveys services
  • 71352000 - Subsurface surveying services
  • 71352100 - Seismic services
  • 71352120 - Seismic data acquisition services
  • 71352300 - Magnetometric surveying services
  • 71353100 - Hydrographic surveying services
  • 71351500 - Ground investigation services
  • 71353000 - Surface surveying services
  • 72316000 - Data analysis services
  • 72314000 - Data collection and collation services
  • 71351710 - Geophysical prospecting services
  • 31321500 - Submarine cable
  • 76520000 - Offshore services


  • This is a one-off contract (no recurrence)
  • Renewals are not available.

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** Tenderers shall be fully responsible for the costs of responding to this procurement at all stages of the procurement and in no circumstances does Xlinks accept any liability for any costs incurred by any Tenderers, howsoever or when so ever incurred. For more information about this opportunity, please visit the Delta eSourcing portal at: To respond to this opportunity, please click here: GO Reference: GO-20211217-PRO-19411121

