GB-London: Virtual training videos for members of licensing committees

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
2 month
22 Dec 2021
31 Jan 2022 to 31 Mar 2022
17 Jan 2022 09:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


We are hoping to produce up to six videos, which will each last for no more than 10 minutes. We would like the supplier to develop an outline of the content for these videos. Our broad suggestion is as follows; however, we would like to work with the supplier and utilise their expertise before finalising the plans for these videos. We would like one or two of the videos to cover best practice and share practical 'tips' that will be helpful for committee members. This could include the importance of making clearly reasoned decisions, how to ask questions in committee hearings, and how to apply conditions to licences and ensure they are practical/enforceable.

CPV Codes

  • 73000000 - Research and development services and related consultancy services

Other Information

We would like the other videos to be scenario based. The presenter would provide an overview of a scenario and then encourage the viewer to pause the video and think about how they would respond to that scenario. The presenter would then run through the key points the viewer should have considered in that scenario. We would like the scenario-based videos to cover different aspects of licensing policy, such as taxi/PHV licensing, premises licensing, and gambling licensing. We would like the supplier to present the videos and work with LGA officers to develop a plan and transcript for these videos. The LGA will arrange for these videos to be recorded (likely over zoom or Microsoft teams) and will get them subtitled. Having a solid understanding of the licensing process will be essential for this work. Therefore, the person who is awarded this contract will need to be a current/ recently retired council officer or someone else with considerable experience in licensing. The supplier will need to be in regular contact with the programme lead by email and telephone where appropriate during this project. They will also be expected to work collaboratively with the LGA's Safer and Stronger Communities Board Licensing Champions, who may also be involved in some of the videos. Please follow this link to view the notice

