P5769 Playground Maintenance and Repair Contract

A Pre-Procurement Notice

Contracts Finder
Future Contract ()
5 year
18 Jan 2022
01 Apr 2022 to 31 Mar 2027
02 Feb 2022 23:59



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


For avoidance of doubt this is not a call for competition at this stage, the purpose of this Prior Information Notice is to advise the market of the forthcoming procurement of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets Playground Maintenance and Repair and seek ideas from the market that may inform the final specification. A virtual supplier engagement event will be held on Friday 4th February 2022 at 13:00. Please register your interest for the event by sending your company name and representatives names to Matthew.twohig.@towerhamlets.gov.uk no later than Wednesday 2nd February 16:00. The procurement of the Playground maintenance and repair contract is for the provision of repairs to all playgrounds throughout Tower Hamlets. The contract is being procured in collaboration with officers from other Directorates that require these services. The procurement of this contract will be in line with all legislation, British and European Standards, sound and accepted best practice implicit in the Specifications and public/user Health and Safety. The contract will also be procured in line with the Parks and Opens Spaces Strategy, and all relevant existing and future parks specific strategic documents in line with Green Flag best Practice standards The contract is for the provisions of services includes but are not limited to. 1. Repairs to all Playground equipment in line with EN 1176 standards 2. Safety Surface Repair in line with EN1177 Standards 3. Repairs to all ancillary items within a playground 4. Emergency Call Out 5. Decommission and making safe Playground equipment

CPV Codes

  • 50800000 - Miscellaneous repair and maintenance services
  • 50870000 - Repair and maintenance services of playground equipment
  • 43325000 - Park and playground equipment
  • 45112723 - Landscaping work for playgrounds


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

Organisations wishing to express their interest are requested to register on the London Tenders Portal (www.londontenders.org) where they will find any related documentation and future ITT in regards to this opportunity available for download. Organisations must ensure that access to the system is available to their representatives dealing with the contract and that this contact is updated as and when required. The Council will not be liable for the lack of delegated access within the organisation and will not send any documentation regarding the opportunity, which shall be exclusively available through the portal. Tower Hamlets Council is an Equal Opportunities Employer and a supporter of Ethical Governance. Our protocol can be found HERE Or via http://www.towerhamlets.gov.uk/ If you require any further information prior to submitting an Expression of Interest please contact the Council via email procurement@towerhamlets.gov.uk quoting the contract reference number.

