Career Transition Partnership ( CTP)

A Pre-Procurement Notice

Contracts Finder
Future Contract ()
not specified
28 Jan 2022
01 Jan 2001 to 01 Jan 2001
30 Apr 2022 23:59



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


The primary purpose of the career transition service is to assist eligible regular and full-time reserve personnel leaving the Armed Forces(Royal Navy, Army and Royal Air Force) to make a successful transition to civilian employment, including self-employment, appropriate to their skills, knowledge, and experience and/or in accord with their aspirations. The service shall also include preparations for civilian life for Service Leavers who do not wish to find employment e.g. those planning to retire or those going into full-time education. This includes advice on the financial aspects of resettlement, the housing market and information for the Service Leaver's family as appropriate. Estimated Procurement Timetable and may be subject to change. PIN on Defence Sourcing Portal -End of January 2022 Contract Notice Defence Sourcing Portal (Formal Market Engagement)-No Later Than end of QTR 2 2022 SQQ Review Expressions of Interest -No Later than end of Q3 2022 Issue Invitation to Negotiate to market on DSP- No Later Than end of Q3 2022 Consideration of market proposals, negotiation and evaluation -Q3-Q4 2022 Award of Contract -No Later Than March 2023 New Contract - Operational Commencement - 1st October 2023

CPV Codes

  • 75221000 - Military defence services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

The Contracting Authority intends to use an e-Tendering system in this procurement exercise, please visit for full details and to register your organisation on the Defence Sourcing Portal. The Authority has a requirement to re-let its current contract for Military Career Transition with a target commencement date of 1st October 2023. The current intention is to procure this under DSPCR 2011 using the Competitive Procedure with Negotiation, participating Suppliers must be registered in UK or Gibraltar (Regulation 5 DSPCR).The Authority intends to hold a Market Awareness Day w/c 28th February 2022 in MOD Main Building Whitehall in London or a location nearby in central London. This will of course be subject to Government Covid 19 guidelines and may be subject to change. Each supplier who wishes to participate and attend the Industry day will be limited to one representative. At the Market Awareness Day, we will explain the requirement in more detail and potential bidders will have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss their own ideas and understanding of the service we wish to procure. The event should provide bidders with a better understanding of the service as currently provided and a good idea of our future aspirations. Agenda will be shared nearer the time. The Rules of Engagement on the day will be that: all information and data will be classified as not above Official Sensitive; this means although information will be shared with those suppliers invited, it is not for onward transmission or publication. Questions will be welcome at any point and any questions not answered on the day, will be answered in writing and shared to all attendees. Please note that this PIN and invitation to participate in the Market Awareness Day, is not a formal commencement of a procurement procedure. No formal commitment to a particular procurement procedure is made until a Contract Notice is issued. The Authority reserves the right to amend our strategy and do not commit ourselves to the route or methodology outlined herein; and to note this PIN does not constitute a commitment to or adoption if any fixed position. 'We reserve the right to amend our strategy, and do not commit ourselves to the route or methodology outlined herein; and to note, this PIN does not constitute a commitment to or adoption of any fixed position', if that makes sense. Please confirm to your interest and wish to participate in the Market Awareness Day by close of play Friday 25th February 2022. Please include the following: a) details of your company name; and b) two (2) points of contact and their contact details (name, phone number, email address, postal address).

