The Provision on an Integrated Homeless Service- Sefton Council

A Contract Award Notice

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Contract (Services)
5 year (est.)
01 Feb 2022
To 06 Jan 2027 (est.)




Geochart for 2 buyers and 1 suppliers

2 buyers

1 supplier


Sefton MBC wishes to enter into an arrangement with Providers to deliver an Integrated Homeless Service up to a maximum of 10 years within Sefton. These commissioned services are separate to any costs that the service Provider(s) may incur and/or recoup in their role as a landlord.

Total Quantity or Scope

Aim: o Sefton aims for its services for people experiencing homelessness to be responsive, flexible and dynamic. Evidence suggests that funding levels need to be predictable and facilitated by longer term contracts, which help both the Council and Service Providers plan and work effectively. Therefore, Sefton wants to provide contracts that last for up to ten years (subject to Procurement and Legal advice/approval) with variation clauses inserted so that the contracts and service can adapt to the changing picture of homelessness in Sefton. o The aim is that homeless services become truly person-centred and that choice is offered in order that their homelessness and trauma are addressed. o Sefton’s priorities are to see positive psychological approaches across its homeless services o Sefton’s priorities are to work with agencies such as Drug and Alcohol services, Mental Health services, Probation, Adult Social Care, Leaving Care Team and the Department for Works & Pension to deliver a wraparound service for people with complex needs o Sefton’s priorities are to ensure that all individuals exiting from homelessness services are supported, fundamentally ensuring that future repeat homelessness is prevented. A floating support service, which can intervene at early intervention stage and after an individual exits homelessness services to sustain resettlement is vital to achieving these priorities. o Sefton’s priorities are to introduce a Strengths-Based approach within their homeless services and move away from the deficit-based 10-point star model. Services should be geared towards enabling individuals to achieve their goals, with an increase in Well-Being being the ultimate outcome and indicator of success. o Sefton’s priorities are to place trust in the expertise of Providers as it is them who know how best to deliver quality services for the individuals who use their service, in partnership with people with lived experience. o Sefton’s priorities are to continue to build on the early progress it has made in developing a Lived-Experience Group to ensure that both strategy and delivery is co-produced with people. o Sefton’s objectives are to ensure that services can develop and adapt to a change in demand or legislation and will ensure a Human Learning System is in place, which allows for the services to flex. o Sefton’s objective is to end the use of Sit-Up dormitory style provision and move towards the provision of an en-suite bed and rapid assessment to eradicate rough sleeping in the borough. o Sefton’s objective is to have a team of Navigators who provide support for those who require it in order that a person can be supported to identify and achieve their aspirations and enabled to access services when required? o Sefton’s objectives are that people are provided accommodation and support based on their choice. Reducing the staircase mindset of people being ‘ready for housing’ Sefton will offer a range of different housing and support, and the individual will be part of the decision-making process and what might be best to suit their needs. This will help to empower people and reduce that staircase approach/cyclical homelessness. o Sefton’s objective is that people in their own accommodation are able to access support whenever they require it in order to continue to sustain that tenancy successfully and prevent further homelessness from occurring. o Sefton’s objective is to reduce the numbers of people waiting for accommodation services in Sefton by increasing throughput through services. Sefton MBC currently commissions services across 10 separate Lots, ranging from accommodation based support services, floating support services, rough sleeper support services. The new commissioning arrangements are to bring all the below elements under a single Lot, which allows Providers to come together to deliver an integrated service from rough sleeping to tenancy. The combined value of this Lot is £927,824 per year. 4 Main Elements: • Rough Sleeper Prevention Service • Supported Temporary Accommodation Service • Navigator Support Service • Floating Support Service Providers will be asked how they will deliver an integrated service, which looks to address and prevent homelessness. Commissioning Arrangements This commissioning exercise aims to provide more flexible and far reaching contracts. Key features of the new contracts include: • 5yr contracts with the option to extend a further 5 x 12-month periods (this can be 12 months at a time or any number over combinations up to the total of 5 years. • Outcome based specifications offer providers more flexibility • Engaging with the Mainstay Gateway system is conditional • “break clauses” and “Variation Options” for use in the event the Council’s funding priorities change to a degree where the contract needs to be varied or terminated

Award Detail

1 Bosco Society (Bootle)
  • The Provision on an Integrated Homeless Service- Sefton Council
  • Reference: 1
  • Num offers: 2
  • Value: £4,875,000
  • Contractor is an SME.

Renewal Options

5 x 12-month periods (this can be 12 months at a time or any number over combinations up to the total of 5 years.

Award Criteria

Quality 80.0
Social Value 10.0
PRICE 10.0

CPV Codes

  • 85000000 - Health and social work services


  • Options are available.
  • Award on basis of price.

