PRJ1098 SEL CCG - Homeless GP Services Lewisham
A Pipeline Notice
- Source
- Contracts Finder
- Type
- Potential Contract ()
- Duration
- 5 year
- Value
- £500K
- Sector
- Published
- 02 Feb 2022
- Delivery
- 01 Jul 2022 to 30 Jun 2027
- Deadline
- n/a

1 buyer
- NHS South East London CCG London
This is a prior information notice to inform the market of an upcoming procurement. NHS South East London Clinical Commissioning Group (SEL CCG) (Lewisham) currently commissions 3 contracts to provide enhanced GP primary care to Rough Sleepers and several homeless hostels within the borough of Lewisham. The contracts are due to expire on 30th June 2022 and the CCG's current intention is to launch a procurement in early 2022 to re-procure a single contract to consolidate the 3 existing contracts with a service start date of 1st July 2022. This is a prior information notice to inform the market of an upcoming procurement. NHS South East London Clinical Commissioning Group (SEL CCG) (Lewisham) currently commissions 3 contracts to provide enhanced GP primary care to Rough Sleepers and several homeless hostels within the borough of Lewisham. The contracts are due to expire on 30th June 2022 and the CCG's current intention is to launch a procurement in early 2022 to re-procure a single contract to consolidate the 3 existing contracts with a service start date of 1st July 2022. It is expected that the contract will be procured with a term of no less than 3 years with an optional extension of 2years (maximum of 5 years) and based on the NHS Standard Contract term and conditions. The indicative value for the total proposed contract is £100,000 per annum (£500,000 excluding VAT over 5 years). Contract value figures and contract durations quoted in this prior information notice (PIN) are indicative only and are subject to amendment by the CCG.
Total Quantity or Scope
YEAR: 2022/2027; BUDGET: 500,000.00
CPV Codes
- 85100000 - Health services
- Contract is suitable for SMEs.
- Contract is suitable for VCOs.
Other Information
Interested providers may wish to register their interest in the procurement via the London Shared Services (LSS) tender portal (Procontract) so as to ensure that as and when further information is shared by the CCG they receive a notification of any new information published on the tender portal related to this future procurement. Interested parties can register an account on the ProContract portal (link below) and once registered and logged in, you can express an interest in the project and access an overview of the service specification In order to assist the assumptions and proposed requirements, the CCG will be publishing a draft service specification together with a feedback questionnaire on the Pro-contract portal on the 1st February 2022, to give potential bidders an overview of the service specification, ask clarification questions and provide feedback. Once published we would ask that interested providers submit responses to the questionnaire by 5pm Thursday 17th February 2022 via MS Forms through this link: Interested providers should monitor the messaging facility on Pro-contract for further updates. Questionnaire responses submitted will remain confidential and information gathered will be used for the sole purpose of informing the upcoming procurement process. In line with the Health and Care Bill it is envisaged that CCGs will be abolished and replaced by Integrated Care Boards (ICBs). Any reference to CCGs as Contracting Authorities in this procurement should be interpreted as referring to the ICBs that will take their place in due course. London Shared Services is managing this Early Engagement process on behalf of NHS South East London CCG (The Authority). The services to which this advert relates fall within Schedule 3 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (the Regulations) and the "Light Touch Regime" (LTR) governing the procurement of Health, Social, Education and Other service contracts. Neither the reference to the "Open Procedure", "ITT", "SQ", the use of the term "Tender process", nor any other indication shall be taken to mean that The Authority intends to hold itself bound to any of the Regulations, save those applicable to LTR provisions. Information relating to this procurement is provided in good faith, and may be subject to amendment by The Authority.
- NELondon001-DN588789-35346861
- CF 29b05126-886b-4eb2-8165-273685136e80