WCC - Market Testing Alternative and Specialist Education

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Framework (Services)
4 year
03 Feb 2022
01 Sep 2022 to 31 Aug 2026
23 Feb 2022 16:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


Warwickshire CC wish to seek providers thoughts and comments on a new framework for alternative and specialist education placements for children and young people in Warwickshire with specific needs which mean that they are unable to attend mainstream education. that we will be commissioning shortly. There will be three elements to the proposed service. Providers can bid to provide one of more of these elements, but must have the appropriate DfE registration for the elements they are bidding for. Providers may wish to demonstrate a specialism within a particular element (relating to the SEND categories of need); and may offer places for a particular age group. Wherever possible, we are looking for placements within a reasonable travel distance of students' home addresses. The elements are: 1. SPECIALIST EDUCATION DAY PLACEMENTS AGE 4-16 Full-time educational day provision for children and young people with EHC Plans, with a high level of need which cannot be met through Local Authority schools or Academies. The greatest demand for these placements is likely to be for children and young people with needs relating to SEMH and ASD. There is also a small but significant demand for places for learners with Severe Learning Disabilities. 2. SPECIALIST EDUCATION DAY PLACEMENTS AGE 16-25 Part-time or full-time educational day provision for children and young people with EHC Plans, with a high level of need which cannot be met through mainstream Further Education providers. The greatest demand for these placements is likely to be for young people with severe or profound learning disability and with complex ASD/SEMH, and who may have accompanying health needs. These young people are likely to have attended state-funded special schools up to age 16. 3. ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION PLACEMENTS AGE 4-16 Short-term educational provision (part-time or full-time) for children and young people age 4-16 excluded from school or at risk of exclusion to support reintegration into mainstream provision; or whose SEND needs cannot be fully met within mainstream education; or who otherwise require interim education. Not all students will have EHC Plans.

CPV Codes

  • 80000000 - Education and training services
  • 80100000 - Primary education services
  • 80340000 - Special education services
  • 80200000 - Secondary education services
  • 80210000 - Technical and vocational secondary education services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

Warwickshire County Council will be using its e-tendering system (CSW-JETS) for the administration of this market testing. Providers must register with the system to be able to express an interest and download documents. The web address for CSW-JETS is: www.csw-jets.co.uk Registration and use of CSW-JETS is free. All correspondence or clarifications relating to this market testing must be via the CSW-JETS correspondence function. If you are having trouble registering with CSW-JETS please email us at: procurement@warwickshire.gov.uk Providers must register on CSW-JETS and express an interest in this project in order to download market testing documents and be able to correspond with us about this market testing. Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : Yes Additional information on how to apply for this contract

