Integrated Services for Victims of Domestic Violence & Abuse and their Children

A Modification Notice

Contract (Services)
5 year
04 Feb 2022
01 Apr 2016 to 31 Mar 2021



Buckinghamshire NUTS code UKJ13 Buckinghamshire CC

Geochart for 2 buyers and 1 suppliers

2 buyers

1 supplier


This contract is to provide services for all residents of Buckinghamshire who are victims of Domestic Violence & Abuse (DVA) and their children; to provide risk assessment & management and early help & preventative work. The highest priority when working with medium and high risk clients must be to secure the safety of the client and the client's children. Evolution of perceived need and funding for DVA over time has led to services being commissioned independently by different BCC services; Public Health, Community Safety and Children & Young People's Services and this contract integrates these areas of responsibility. This approach will support delivery of services which address a range of measurable outcomes covering all three services' agendas and will enable a flexible approach to changes in need and a co-ordinated model of monitoring and evaluation. The contract has 3 elements: 1. Support for Victims To provide a pro-active service to enable victims who have experienced DVA recover and move forward with their lives and to function as well as possible whilst continuing to experience and/or exiting abusive relationships with special regard to safety and the impact of DVA upon their children. To reduce the risks posed to clients and their children and increase their safety, based on a thorough understanding of all their risks and their management. To enable non-abusing parents/carers to understand the impact of DVA upon their children and to enhance their parenting skills and so improve family relationships and outcomes for children. To work with clients (and where appropriate their families) in a holistic way to consider and address wider health, social and economic issues and impacts of abuse that will assist recovery and to reduce health inequalities. 2. Support for Children and Young People To work with children and young people to enable them to manage the impact of being exposed to domestic violence and abuse. To deliver age-appropriate one to one and/or group work to children and young people who have lived with DVA to help them to process their experiences and to raise awareness of the nature and prevalence of DVA, within the school environment and other youth settings. 3. Support for Professionals & Residents To provide awareness-raising and training for professionals around the issues of DVA, the impact on victims and their children and the services available for them and to foster an integrated multi-agency approach to working with the victims of DVA and their families based on good practice. To raise awareness within the community around the complexities of DVA and the services available. The contract start date is 1st April 2016. The contract will be for an initial period of three years with the option to extend for a further period of 2 x 12 months (i.e. maximum 5 years). A budget cap has been set for the Provision of Integrated Services for Victims of Domestic Violence and Abuse and their Children for the three year contract period at £1,758,630 for the full three year contract period. Should additional funding become available during the life of the contract, further services may be required.

Ammendments to Previous Notice

2. Contract value

GBP 3,502,780 4,086,780

Award Detail

1 Aylesbury Womens Aid (Milton Keynes)
  • Integrated Services for Victims of Domestic Violence and Abuse and their Children
  • Reference: 2015/s 227-413873
  • Value: £2,920,650
  • Contractor is an SME.

CPV Codes

  • 85312300 - Guidance and counselling services
  • 80400000 - Adult and other education services
  • 85311300 - Welfare services for children and young people
  • 85312310 - Guidance services
  • 85322000 - Community action programme


  • Contract modified due to unforeseen circumstances.

