Shared bike rental and associated micromobility schemes Framework Agreement - Solent Region

A Tender Notice

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Framework (Services)
4 year
07 Feb 2022
To 10 Oct 2027 (est.)
11 Mar 2022 15:00



Lot 1 will cover the central southern England geography of the Solent Transport region of South Hampshire, as well as the wider Hampshire region, Surrey and West Sussex. It will be accessible to all County, City, Unitary, Borough and District authorities as well as all NHS Trusts and educational establishments within these areas. Currently, bike share schemes are proposed for Southampton and Portsmouth and while it is hoped that other schemes will be launched to create a Solent-wide bike share scheme, there is no guarantee of future usage of the Framework Agreement.

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


Portsmouth City Council ('the council') on behalf of Solent Transport, is establishing a multi-supplier, multi-Lot Framework Agreement for the provision of shared bike rental schemes in the Solent Transport area. The Framework Agreement is made up of 2 Lots, with each Lot consisting of 3-4 suppliers: • Lot 1 - Central Southern England • Lot 2 - Isle of Wight Bike share rental schemes are planned for Portsmouth, Southampton and the Isle of Wight. Contracts for delivery of these schemes will be awarded in parallel with the establishment of the framework. The highest ranked tenderer on Lot 1 will be awarded separate contracts by Portsmouth and Southampton City Councils. The highest ranked tenderer on Lot 2 will be awarded a contract by Isle of Wight Council. Solent Transport is a partnership of the four Local Transport Authorities in the Solent Region (the council, Southampton City Council, Hampshire County Council and Isle of Wight Council). Solent Transport successfully bid for funding from the Department for Transport to establish a Future Transport Zone (FTZ). The FTZ bid includes £2million that can be allocated to launch bike share schemes. This funding is forecast to be split as follows: • Portsmouth and Southampton: £1.6 million - £1.8million • Isle of Wight: £200,000 - £400,000 Tenderers have the option of taking up all, some or none of the available funding. FTZ funding ends on 30 Jun 24 and as such tenderers are required to put forward proposals which will be financially self-sustaining beyond this date. The initial term of the call-off contracts for Southampton, Portsmouth and Isle of Wight Councils will commence from 1 Jun 22 and will end on 30 June 24. They may be extended at the option of the contracting authorities in increments to be agreed to a maximum total term of approx. 10 years. The aim is to have schemes launched in some capacity in Summer 22, with full-scale schemes launched by April 23. All assets purchased using FTZ funding will be maintained and operated by the suppliers who will retain responsibility for all upkeep and replacement. On termination or expiry of the contract, the supplier will be required to "buy back" assets at their current market value on a prescribed depreciation basis. The depreciation model is included within the procurement documents. The scope of this framework includes, but is not limited to: • Complete shared bike rental scheme services, supplies and any necessary works required during installation. This includes for all types of bike, including but not limited to manual, electric, cargo, adapted bikes and tricycles. • Shared e-scooter rental scheme services, supplies and any necessary works required during installation. • Any additional shared rental micro mobility services, for example e-mopeds, that are offered by appointed framework suppliers at award and/or over the duration of the framework agreement. • Bike and associated micro-mobility pool schemes. The Framework Agreement will commence on 1 Jun 22 and will operate for a period of 4 years. No extension options are available. The estimated maximum value of the framework is estimated to be £200million. This is a potential maximum total consideration that includes all potential turnover generated by the suppliers. It allows sufficient capacity in the event that further schemes are launched via the agreement and allows for all potential extension and variation options to be taken up. Further information is included under Section VI.3. The council will establish the framework agreement in accordance with the Open Procedure as defined within the Public Contracts Regulations (2015) to the following programme: • Issue of FTS Notice and tender documents: 7 Feb 22 • Tender return deadline: 11 Mar 22 • Interview/demonstration period: 14-15 Apr 22 • Notification of award decision: 06 May 22 • Commencement of framework: 01 Jun 22

Lot Division

1 Central Southern England

The council, on behalf of Solent Transport, is seeking responses from tenderers who can provide turnkey shared bike rental schemes. The aim of Solent Transport's bike share schemes are to: • Encourage more people to cycle by improving access to bikes • Provide an alternative to short distance car travel • Promote multimodal travel • Encourage more people to get their own bike/e-bike after trying one via the share scheme Therefore, tenderers will be required to provide: • A fleet of bikes and/or e-bikes to be part of a shared rental scheme for use by the public • A suitable, secure parking solution to ensure the city streetscape can remain clutter-free. • A solution that enables users to hire bikes, including payment as well as the ability to integrate into Solent Transport's Mobility as a Service platform. • Strategies and technology to combat vandalism and theft measures, inappropriate use and parking etc. • Servicing, maintenance and re-distribution of bikes to ensure the fleet is kept in safe working order and are available for users when and where they are needed. • Implementation and installation of the scheme as well as removal of the scheme at the end of the contract. • Launch and ongoing marketing services to promote the scheme and to assist Solent Transport encourage modal shift. • Management of the scheme including provision of customer support etc. • Data in respect of the usage of the scheme via data sharing between the relevant local authorities and Solent Transport. • Maintain a standard of service throughout the contract period that is in accordance with the agreed Key Performance Indicators and Service Level Agreements A full specification is provided within the tender document set. The highest ranked tenderer of this Lot will be offered separate contracts by Portsmouth and Southampton City Councils to establish bike share schemes in the corresponding cities. Additional information: This Lot will be made up of a minimum of three and a maximum of four suppliers. Once the Framework Agreement is established, contracting authorities will have the following call-off mechanisms available to them: • Direct award on a ranked basis - call-off contracts may be awarded to the highest ranked supplier. Where the highest ranked does not have the capacity to accept the award or where performance issues have resulted in legal sanctions, or suspension from the framework, the contracting authority may approach the second ranked supplier and so forth. Given Solent Transport's current aim to establish a region wide bike share scheme, it is envisaged that the direct award mechanism will be the most heavily used, particularly where additional schemes go live in the Solent Region. • Mini-competition - in the event that a contracting authority seeks to test the market, they may run a mini-competition between all suppliers on the relevant Lot. Mini-competitions will set their own quality and cost weightings in accordance with their individual requirements.

2 The Isle of Wight

The council, on behalf of Solent Transport, is seeking responses from tenderers who can provide turnkey share bike rental schemes. The aim of Solent Transport's bike share schemes are to: • Encourage more people to cycle by improving access to bikes • Provide an alternative to short distance car travel • Promote multimodal travel • Encourage more people to get their own bike/e-bike after trying one via the share scheme Therefore, tenderers will be required to provide: • A fleet of bikes and e-bikes to be part of a shared rental scheme for use by the public • A suitable, secure parking solution to ensure the city streetscape can remain clutter-free. • A solution that enables users to hire bikes, including payment as well as the ability to integrate into Solent Transport's Mobility as a Service platform. • Strategies and technology to combat vandalism and theft measures, inappropriate use and parking etc. • Servicing, maintenance and re-distribution of bikes to ensure the fleet is kept in safe working order and are available for users when and where they are needed. • Implementation and installation of the scheme as well as removal of the scheme at the end of the contract. • Launch and ongoing marketing services to promote the scheme and to assist Solent Transport encourage modal shift. • Management of the scheme including provision of customer support etc. • Data in respect of the usage of the scheme via data sharing between the relevant local authorities and Solent Transport. • Maintain a standard of service throughout the contract period that is in accordance with the agreed Key Performance Indicators and Service Level Agreements A full specification is provided within the tender document set. The highest ranked tenderer of this Lot will be offered a contract by Isle of Wight Council to establish a bike share scheme. Additional information: This Lot will be made up of a minimum of three and a maximum of four suppliers. Once the Framework Agreement is established, contracting authorities will have the following call-off mechanisms available to them: • Direct award on a ranked basis - call-off contracts may be awarded to the highest ranked supplier. Where the highest ranked does not have the capacity to accept the award or where performance issues have resulted in legal sanctions, or suspension from the framework, the contracting authority may approach the second ranked supplier and so forth. Given Solent Transport's current aim to establish a region wide bike share scheme, it is envisaged that the direct award mechanism will be the most heavily used, particularly where additional schemes go live in the Solent Region. • Mini-competition - in the event that a contracting authority seeks to test the market, they may run a mini-competition between all suppliers on the relevant Lot. Mini-competitions will set their own quality and cost weightings in accordance with their individual requirements.

Renewal Options

As bike share schemes let via the Framework Agreement develop and succeed, it is envisaged that individual call-off contracts may be extended in duration and/or varied in scope to adapt to the changing nature of the schemes. The nature and type of extensions and variations envisaged are as follows: • Duration - call-off contracts let from this agreement may be extended, in increments to be agreed to a maximum total term of 10 years. Where the total term exceeds 5 years, this will be agreed at the discretion of the contracting authority, taking into consideration the requirement within the Concession Contracts Regulations 2016 that the maximum length of a contract shall not exceed the time that a supplier could reasonably be expected to recoup the investments made in operating the services, together with a return on invested capital. Any extension decision will be based on the open book information provided in respect of generated revenue and associated costs, including those associated with the buy-back of any assets. • Volume - where schemes are successful, the volume of bicycles/micromobility vehicles and associated docks and parking hubs may be increased. The call-off contract may be varied to accommodate these additional volumes and the value of the call-off contract concerned may be modified accordingly. • Geography - the geographic operating area of a scheme let via a call-off contract may change or increase to accommodate new user groups or as a result of the scheme's success. While it is envisaged that the majority of geographic expansions will remain within the administrative boundary of the contracting authority which awarded the call-off contract, there may be instances where this expansion goes beyond this boundary. Examples include but are not limited to standalone schemes launched in a new area that another contracting authority has agreed to manage on a shared services basis, or an established scheme which is expanded into the administrative area of a neighbouring authority. As a result of any such geographic expansion or variation, the value of the call-off contract concerned may be modified accordingly. • Technical scope - this Framework Agreement allows for the purchase of additional micromobility services, including, for example e-scooters, on a purchase, rental or pooling option. In the event that a contracting authority wishes to purchase additional services, contracting authorities may choose to extend an existing call-off contract for bike share. As a result, the value of the call-off contract concerned may be modified.

CPV Codes

  • 60100000 - Road transport services
  • 34430000 - Bicycles
  • 50100000 - Repair, maintenance and associated services of vehicles and related equipment
  • 72260000 - Software-related services


  • This is a one-off contract (no recurrence)
  • Options are available.
  • Renewals are not available.

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** The maximum value of this framework has been set in this Notice as £200million. This figure reflects the total estimated consideration and includes the projected turnover that may be generated by the supplier. This figure is to provide sufficient capacity in the event that the framework is widely used and to allow for the expansion of schemes in accordance with the options set out in Section II.2.11. • The anticipated value of the framework based on the known bike share schemes, until 30th June 2024 (the end of the FTZ programme) is estimated to be in the region of £4million to £7million. • In the event that these contracts are extended to their maximum duration of 10 years, the anticipated value of the framework is estimated to increase to between £31million and £45million. • In the event that additional bike share schemes are launched within the Solent Transport region, the anticipated value of the framework is estimated to increase to between £62million and £90million. • In the event that the framework is used for the delivery of additional micromobility schemes, the anticipated value of the framework is estimated to increase to between £93million and £135million. • In the event that the framework is used by contracting authorities in West Sussex and Surrey, the anticipated value of the framework is estimated to increase to up to £200million. The estimated value of schemes has been calculated from a report recently commissioned by Solent Transport to ascertain the potential demand for bike share schemes in Portsmouth, Southampton and the Isle of Wight. It should be noted that due to the nature and funding of these schemes, the council is unable to provide any commitments or guarantees in respect of potential revenues generated via this Framework Agreement. Suppliers should note that while additional micromobility services are included within this scope, the main objective of this procurement is to establish bike share rental schemes. There are currently no plans to launch additional micromobility schemes across the Solent Region, or to novate existing micromobility schemes to this framework. Instead, additional scope activities are included to provide Solent Transport and contracting authorities a route to access developing micromobility services.

