Data analysis and consumer insights: assessing barriers and opportunities for the production and consumption of domestic food and organic food

A Pipeline Notice

Contracts Finder
Potential Contract ()
0.5 year
24 Feb 2022
02 May 2022 to 31 Oct 2022
01 Jan 2001 00:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


This project will review UK food production data and consumer purchasing to develop the evidence base on the extent to which consumers are purchasing food with the following attributes (referred to as 'these attributes' in the rest of this document) across different product categories: - domestically produced food - organic food

CPV Codes

  • 73110000 - Research services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

Assessing barriers and opportunities for production and consumption of domestic food and organic food Aim of the project Defra aims to increase the sustainability, productivity and resilience of the agriculture, fishing, food, and drink sectors, enhance biosecurity at the border and raise animal welfare standards. To deliver these aims, Defra requires a clear understanding of what is important to UK consumers when purchasing food and drink and to what extent structural factors, acting across the agri-food supply chain, determine consumer purchasing behaviours. This project will review UK food production, retail, and trade data, relevant literature and consumer purchasing data to investigate the extent to which consumers are purchasing domestically produced food and organic food according to different product categories. Where there are variable rates of purchasing and UK produce and organic produce has a low market share, the research will explore the underlying reasons for this, both market-driven and consumer-driven. The evidence from this project will build Defra's understanding of consumer purchasing behaviours. This evidence will also support Defra in identifying market opportunities for domestic producers and organic producers and better understand the barriers to growth. This project requires the contractor(s) to have expert knowledge of domestic agri-food supply chains and a good understanding of the domestic food and drink market. It will also require the contractor(s) to have experience in conducting consumer research and undertaking quantitative analysis using purchasing decision data (e.g. structural equation modelling). Defra will invite tendering organisations or consortia to provide services for one or two Lots (one for domestic production and one for organic production). Defra welcomes proposals from independent tenderers and consortia for this project. Expected Timeline The contract is a multi-phase research, expected to commence in early May and complete approximately 6 months after contact award. Interim report would be expected after 3 months and a final report after approximately 5 months. Tenderers should only bid for the project if they are confident they can; a) deliver in this timeframe b) have the requisite skills to undertake each phase or are confident they can build a suitable consortia or attract a suitable sub-contractor Output: The final outputs would be an interim and final report for each lot and a datasets on the market shares of both lots. Defra would welcome feedback from the market to gauge the level of interest from potential bidders for the project - to express an interest, please email We would welcome views on whether bidders would be interested in placing bids for lot 1, lot 2 or both lots. If you have any concerns relating to resource capabilities, please can you also flag this in your response. n/a Future Opportunity Notice - domestic and organic production research final.pdf

