NTU/21/2002/DS - The Provision of Legal Services

A Contract Award Notice

Find a Tender
Framework (Services)
not specified
25 Feb 2022
not specified




Geochart for 1 buyers and 19 suppliers


Nottingham Trent University wishes to establish a multi-provider agreement for the provision of Legal Services.

Lot Division

3 Dispute Resolution

Lot 3 - Dispute ResolutionTo advise and/or represent in matters of litigation, which may include, but is not limited to: Resolution of disputes including litigation, adjudication and arbitration; Commercial and property related litigation; Health and Safety and Regulatory matters, including the defence of regulatory investigations and prosecutions; Personal injury litigation, including stress and disease claims; Reputation management, including defamation; Debt collection;  Judicial review;  Appointment and recommendation of Barristers; and Clinical negligence and complaints.

4 Commercial and Corporate Services

Lot 4 - Commercial and Corporate ServicesLegal advice, legal drafting and legal support in respect of: Research grants and contracts; Collaborative ventures; Intellectual Property matters; Funding and finance models; Loan agreements between organisations; EU procurement law, Public Contract Regulations, tenders and contracts (or successive laws/regulations); Data protection and GDPR compliance; Freedom of Information; Equality and Diversity;  Confidentiality agreements (NDAs) and knowledge transfer agreements; Funding agreements; Legacies and donations;  Company Law and charity law, including taxation; Constitutional and governing documents; and Competition law, including State Aid. Trademarks

5 Student Matters

Lot 5 - Student MattersPractical legal advice, legal drafting and legal support on student matters, including but not limited to; Student academic appeals, student complaints, student disciplinary matters, fitness to practise issues and other student procedures and processes; Appeals submitted to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education (OIA) including the drafting of written submissions and liaison with OIA staff Compliance with the requirements of the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) and other regulatory bodies in relation to the student contract for tuition (including fee issues)

6 Patent Management

Lot 6 - Patent ManagementPractical legal advice, legal drafting and legal support on patent management, including but not limited to; Expertise and advice in relation to filling for patent applications; and Patent renewals (including reminders of patent deadlines)

5 Property (or Real Estate)

Lot 1a - Property (or Real Estate)Legal advice, legal drafting and legal support in respect of: Acquisition, disposal and development; Conveyancing; Leasing and licences; Planning law; Landlord and tenant; Boundaries and ownership issues.

6 Construction

Lot 1b - ConstructionLegal advice, legal drafting and legal support in respect of: Building contracts; Bonds, warranties, guarantees and insurance; Professional appointments and commercial frameworks; Litigation and disputes; Health and safety relating to construction; Environmental law.

7 Human Resources

Lot 2a - Human ResourcesPractical legal advice, legal drafting and legal support in respect of: Legal aspects of recruitment and selection; Statements of terms and conditions of employment; Colleague conduct, Disciplinary/suspension/ bribery, fraud, research misconduct  Concerns raised by colleagues under grievance, whistleblowing and other relevant polices Equality Diversity and Inclusion; Fair Termination of employment, including disciplinary hearings, redundancies and SOSR Settlement agreements  Claims in the Employment Tribunals, Employment Appeals Tribunals, High Court and County Court; TUPE and staff transfer considerations, advice and process support for both insourcing and outsourcing; Employee and Employer exposure to obligations around Data Protection, Freedom of Access to Information Health and safety including Remote and Home-Working; Organisational change and restructure; Flexible working arrangements including Secondments; Incapability, Performance management; Sickness and absence, ill-health incapability; Employment status including fixed term employees, atypical workers, agency workers and contractors. Pension law; Employment-related issues and National Insurance (including as linked to different types of employment status and all HMRC related issues); and  Policy development and implementation including Family friendly policies, including maternity, paternity, shared parental, adoption and carer support. TULRCA, including redundancy notification, trade union recognition, facilities and dispute resolution, industrial action and action short of a strike  Pay including the implementation of New JNCHES, national framework agreement

8 Human Resources Retention (including Human Resources dispute resolution)

Lot 2b - Human Resources Retention (including Human Resources dispute resolution) Legal aspects of recruitment and selection; Statements of terms and conditions of employment; Colleague conduct, Disciplinary/suspension/ bribery, fraud, research misconduct  Concerns raised by colleagues under grievance, whistleblowing and other relevant polices Equality Diversity and Inclusion; Fair Termination of employment, including disciplinary hearings, redundancies and SOSR Settlement agreements  Claims in the Employment Tribunals, Employment Appeals Tribunals, High Court and County Court; Employee and Employer exposure to obligations around Data Protection, Freedom of Access to Information Health and safety including Remote and Home-Working; Flexible working arrangements including Secondments; Incapability, Performance management; Sickness and absence, ill-health incapability; Employment status including fixed term employees, atypical workers, agency workers and contractors. Pension law; Employment-related issues and National Insurance (including as linked to different types of employment status and all HMRC related issues).

Award Detail

1 Veale Wasbrough Vizards (Bristol)
  • Lot 1 a- Property (or Real Estate)
  • Reference: 005239-2022-ntu/21/2002/ds-1
  • Value: £960,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
2 Browne Jacobson (Nottingham)
  • Lot 1 a- Property (or Real Estate)
  • Reference: 005239-2022-ntu/21/2002/ds-1
  • Value: £960,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
3 Freeths (Nottingham)
  • Lot 1 a- Property (or Real Estate)
  • Reference: 005239-2022-ntu/21/2002/ds-1
  • Value: £960,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
4 Freeths (Nottingham)
  • Lot 1b – Construction
  • Reference: 005239-2022-ntu/21/2002/ds-2
  • Value: £640,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
5 Pinsent Masons (London)
  • Lot 1b – Construction
  • Reference: 005239-2022-ntu/21/2002/ds-2
  • Value: £640,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
6 Veale Wasbrough Vizards (Bristol)
  • Lot 1b – Construction
  • Reference: 005239-2022-ntu/21/2002/ds-2
  • Value: £640,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
7 Veale Wasbrough Vizards (Bristol)
  • Lot 2a - Human Resources
  • Reference: 005239-2022-ntu/21/2002/ds-3
  • Value: £80,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
8 Shakespeare Martineau (Birmingham)
  • Lot 2a - Human Resources
  • Reference: 005239-2022-ntu/21/2002/ds-3
  • Value: £80,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
9 Freeths (Nottingham)
  • Lot 2a - Human Resources
  • Reference: 005239-2022-ntu/21/2002/ds-3
  • Value: £80,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
10 Eversheds Sutherland (London)
  • Lot 2b – Human Resource Retention
  • Reference: 005239-2022-ntu/21/2002/ds-4
  • Value: £240,000
11 Mills & Reeve (London)
  • Lot 3 - Dispute Resolution
  • Reference: 005239-2022-ntu/21/2002/ds-5
  • Value: £120,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
12 Shakespeare Martineau (Birmingham)
  • Lot 3 - Dispute Resolution
  • Reference: 005239-2022-ntu/21/2002/ds-5
  • Value: £120,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
13 Mills & Reeve (London)
  • Lot 4 - Commercial and Corporate Services
  • Reference: 005239-2022-ntu/21/2002/ds-6
  • Value: £400,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
14 Shakespeare Martineau (Birmingham)
  • Lot 4 - Commercial and Corporate Services
  • Reference: 005239-2022-ntu/21/2002/ds-6
  • Value: £400,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
15 Veale Wasbrough Vizards (Bristol)
  • Lot 4 - Commercial and Corporate Services
  • Reference: 005239-2022-ntu/21/2002/ds-6
  • Value: £400,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
16 Mills & Reeve (London)
  • Lot 5 - Student Matters
  • Reference: 005239-2022-ntu/21/2002/ds-7
  • Value: £360,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
17 Shakespeare Martineau (Birmingham)
  • Lot 5 - Student Matters
  • Reference: 005239-2022-ntu/21/2002/ds-7
  • Value: £360,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
18 Barker Brettell (Birmingham)
  • Lot 6 - Patent Management
  • Reference: 005239-2022-ntu/21/2002/ds-8
  • Value: £320,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
19 Wilson Gunn (Manchester)
  • Lot 6 - Patent Management
  • Reference: 005239-2022-ntu/21/2002/ds-8
  • Value: £320,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.

Award Criteria

Technical Capability 20%, Service Delivery 20%, Quality 20%, Service Innovation 10%, Employability Added Value 2.55 and Project Specific Added Value 2.5%. 75%
price 25%

CPV Codes

  • 79100000 - Legal services


Other Information

The University will work closely with the chosen Suppliers throughout the term of the Framework Agreement to achieve greater value for money for the University. It is estimated that NTU spends over the framework lifespan of £3,800,000 on Legal Services and is inviting Suppliers to Tender for the provision of these services under an Agreement that will run initially for two years, up to a maximum period of four years, subject to satisfactory performance. There is no guarantee of volume or usage levels under the Agreement. The Framework Agreement will allow qualifying firms to supply the services identified in the technical specification, on the agreed terms and for the duration of the Framework Agreement period. NTU will engage Providers by placing individual assignments/instructions under the terms of the Agreement. ** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. **

