WORKS PACKAGE 12 - ELECTRICAL SERVICES - Community Cafe, Shorts Road, Fair Oak

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Works)
1.5 month
18 Mar 2022
06 May 2022 to 17 Jun 2022
22 Apr 2022 17:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


Design and installation of an appropriately sized/capacity single phase electrical distribution panel, to be fitted within the cupboard off the kitchen area. This is the principal point of electrical distribution for the property. Include for all MCB and RCD circuit breakers. Allow to distribute all cabling in respect of small power, lighting, emergency lighting, smoke detection, power supplies for room / water heaters, mechanical extract fans, disabled WC alarm and external signage lighting from the distribution panel to the points shown on the drawings. Allow to provide containment as may be required for protection to cables concealed behind wall boarding. Supply and fit new white plastic wall switch socket outlets (by MK or similar) and switched spurs in positions shown on the drawings, including all builder's work in connection with the setting of the back boxes into wall surfaces Supply and fit PIR light fittings, inset to ceilings in positions shown in drawings. Lights to be LED 18W fittings by Enlite, with white bezels. Include for a suitable arrangement of PIR sensors to control lighting in zones to the main office area, all other rooms to have a single PIR control. Fittings to kitchen and WC areas to be IP65 rated. Allow to supply and fit emergency alarm system serving the disabled WC, with pull cord to the WC interior and alert light / sounder with reset button outside. Supply and fit ceiling mounted mains smoke detector units in positions shown on the drawings. Test and commission upon completion. Provide electrical services and extractor fans to kitchen and WC areas in positions shown on drawings. All fans to run through duct work in the suspended ceiling void, to discharge via external walls or through roofs in positions indicated. Install 3No. ceiling mounted extractor fans, to WC areas shown on the drawings. New fans should be intermittent inline unit capable of at least 80l/s and produce no more than 25dB. Fans to be ducted through the ceiling void to terminate via roof terminals of the same style, colour and size as the surrounding roof membrane. Ducting to use rigid plastic tubes, insulated through roof voids. Extractor fan should be connected to white plastic MK edge or similar approved isolator switch mounted above the door on the outer side. Other requirements: Electrical feeds Heaters Fire Alarm Data Testing As set out in the detailed invitation to tender document. Submission of tender 1. To be sent via post, no later than 17.00 hours on Friday 22 April 2022. Clearly labelled 'Private & Confidential, Tender for Community Café, Fair Oak' and should be addressed to: Fair Oak and Horton Heath Parish Council c/o Trinity Rose Chartered Surveyors, Trinity House, 123 Winchester Road, Chandlers Ford, Hampshire SO53 2DR 2. Provide 2 hard copies of the tender document and any associated designs. Electronic copies to sent to

CPV Codes

  • 45212423 - Cafeteria construction work


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

Plan B21-831-P-001 PROPOSED GA FLOOR PLAN.pdf Elevations B21-831-P-002 PROPOSED ELEVATIONS.pdf Electrical layout B21-831-P-003 PROPOSED ELECTRICAL LAYOUT.pdf Proposed substructure plan B21-831-P-004 PROPOSED SUBSTRUCTURE PLAN.pdf B21-831-WP12 SoW Electrical Services Fountains Community Cafe.pdf

