Provider Panel for Day Service

A Contract Award Notice

Contracts Finder
Framework (Services)
4 year
06 Apr 2022
01 Jul 2021 to 31 Mar 2025
10 May 2021 13:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 44 suppliers

1 buyer

44 suppliers


This procurement activity is for the Provider Panel for Day Services. This Provider Panel will be an open panel, whereby organisations that wish to apply to become a member of the panel can do throughout the lifetime of the panel without any restrictions placed on the number of successful Providers who may be appointed to the Provider Panel. The Council makes no guarantee to any member of the Panel that they will be awarded any Call-Off Contract and no guarantee is made in respect of any volume of work under any such agreements, or in aggregate under the Provider Panel. \\r\r \\r\r For the purposes of this Provider Panel, Day Services are defined as the provision of some or all of the following Services following a full assessment of the Service User's individual needs by the Care Co-ordinator / Social Worker:-\\r\r \\r\r • Social Care;\\r\r • Practical Support;\\r\r • Rehabilitation/Re-enablement;\\r\r • Carer Respite/Short Breaks;\\r\r • Support to facilitate access to Volunteering or Employment Opportunities;\\r\r • Meaningful activities to meet assessed care needs;\\r\r • Outreach support within local communities\\r\r \\r\r This Provider Panel is divided into four Lots:\\r\r \\r\r Lot 1 - Older People (aged 65yrs+)\\r\r Lot 2 - Adults with Physical Disabilities and/or Sensory Impairment (aged 18-64yrs)\\r\r Lot 3 - Adults with Learning Disabilities and/or challenging behaviour, those on the autism spectrum and/or, those who may have associated mental health problems (18-64yrs)\\r\r Lot 4 - Transport \\r\r \\r\r The proposed contract is to be let with options to extend for 6 periods of 12 months from the actual end date subject to funding and subject to the provider panel still meeting the needs of the Council.\\r\r \\r\r \\r\r \\r\r \\r\r

Award Detail

1 Accept Care (None)
2 Ascot Care (None)
3 Bullion Community Resource Centre (None)
4 Care Matters (None)
5 Deaconstar (None)
6 Devonshire House (None)
7 Direct Steps (None)
8 Durham Alliance for Community Care (None)
9 Eboney Home Care (None)
10 Ethicare Durham (None)
11 Haswell & Distict Mencap (None)
12 Innovations (None)
13 Jigsaw Care (None)
14 Journey (None)
15 Lionmouth Rural Centre (None)
16 Marton Care Homes (None)
17 Monarch (None)
18 New Steps Care in the Community (None)
19 Objectquest (None)
20 Phoenix Day Care CIC (None)
21 Pioneering Care Partnership (None)
22 Sheena Miles Care Services (None)
23 Beeches Care Home (None)
24 Hospital of God At Greatham (None)
25 Wear 1 Care (None)
26 Wear Valley Angling Community Interest (None)
27 Woodcraft for Landscapes (None)
28 Growing Together Durham (None)
29 Kaydar (None)
30 PRS Inclusion Services (None)
31 Shaw Trust (None)
32 Bridge Creative Enterprise CIC (None)
33 Coates Domiciliary Care (None)
34 Endeavour Woodcrafts CIC (None)
35 Include in Autism (None)
36 Integrating Children (None)
37 One to One the Befriender Scheme (None)
38 Real Care (None)
39 Riding Centre for Special People (None)
40 Voidservices (None)
41 Elite Home Care Service (None)
42 Five Acres Community Garden (None)
43 East Durham College (None)
44 Natural Ability (None)

CPV Codes

  • 85000000 - Health and social work services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

Full details of the tender are available free of charge at using reference DN526604

