Clinical Experts - Care & Treatment Reviews (CTRs)

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
1 year
08 Apr 2022
01 Jul 2022 to 30 Jun 2023
13 May 2022 12:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


NHS Leeds CCG is looking for independent clinical experts (not employed by the CCG) to conduct Care Treatment Reviews (CTRs) with the aim of ensuring that the care & treatment and differing support needs of the person and their families are met, and the barriers to progress are challenged and overcome. To be effective, a clinical expert needs to have a detailed understanding of the health issues affecting people with learning disabilities; as well as of the psychological, psychiatric and forensic models of care and treatment relevant to people who present a range of behaviours of concern that place them at risk of exclusion from ordinary community living. They also need to be well versed in national policy and the complex legal system that either facilitates or blocks progress. This underpinning knowledge is vital to ensure that experts can effectively challenge clinicians involved in a person's care and treatment and provide clear evidence-based rationales for recommendations regarding future treatment. The contract will commence on 1st July 2022 and end on 30 June 2023 with an option to extend for a year and a further year. **AS THIS IS A DYNAMIC PURCHASING SYSTEM (DPS) THE OPPORTUNITY TO APPLY WILL REMAIN OPEN FOR THE DURATION OF THE DPS. IT DOES NOT CLOSE ON 13.05.22. PROVIDERS CAN APPLY ANYTIME AND APPLICATIONS WILL BE REVIEWED EVERY 6 MONTHS** The Services to which this Procurement relates fall within Schedule 3 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (the 'Regulations'). As such, the procurement of the Services is being run as a bespoke, process akin to, but not the same as, the Dynamic Purchasing System Procedure. In conducting this process NHS Leeds CCG does not intend to hold itself bound by any of the Regulations, save those applicable to Schedule 3 services.

CPV Codes

  • 85000000 - Health and social work services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

The application documents can be downloaded from the NHS Leeds CCG Sourcing portal at; and clicking on CURRENT OPPORTUNITIES (PQQ_10). This is a new portal and you will be asked to register to create an account and supplier profile. You should only create one supplier account per organisation but you can have more than one user per supplier account. GUIDANCE ON SPAM FILTERS: In order to prevent eTendering portal emails from being quarantined by your organisation fire wall or spam filter, you are advised to instruct your IT team to accept all emails from a ""; "" and "" address. Please also review he Junk Email settings of your email client software to avoid accidental message deletion. To download procurement documents:

