4 year Framework Agreement for the provision of Architectural services for new build housing

A Contract Award Notice

Find a Tender
Framework (Services)
4 year (est.)
26 Apr 2022
To 05 Apr 2026 (est.)



Various locations throughout the central belt of Scotland, Argyll & Bute and Highland

Geochart for 30 buyers and 10 suppliers
Link Group
New Gorbals Housing Association
Partick Housing Association
Maryhill Housing Association
Paragon Housing Association
Tollcross Housing Association
Almond Housing Association
Cathcart & District Housing Association
Trust Housing Association
Calvay Housing Association
Cassiltoun Housing Association
Berwickshire Housing Association
Yoker Housing Association
Linstone Housing Association
Atrium Homes
Dunbritton Housing Association
Glen Oaks Housing Association
Clydebank Housing Association
Cernach Housing Association
Port of Leith Housing Association
Hanover Housing Association
Do Architecture
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


Link is seeking to enter into a four-year Framework Agreement with a maximum of ten suitably qualified Architectural Practices for the provision of architectural services. The services may also include the provision of Principal Designer under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 where the practice can demonstrate it has the relevant experience to provide this role. Successful Architectural Practices should be RIBA or RIAS registered (or their equivalent organisations within the country that your organisation is based). Architects within the successful Practices should be registered with the Architects Registration Board (ARB) or their equivalent organisation within the country that your organisation is based. Link works in partnership with a number of subsidiary companies who will also be entitled to purchase services from the Framework Agreement. The subsidiaries of Link Group include Link Housing Association Ltd, Link Living, Horizon Housing Association Ltd, Larkfield Housing Association Ltd and West Highland Housing Association Ltd. Although it is possible that other organisations may join the Group, becoming subsidiary companies, during the term of the Framework Agreement, and may also wish to "call off" from the Framework. Link also works in partnership with several external organisations, refer to Section 1.1. of the Contract Notice for further details, who will also be entitled to purchase services from the Framework Agreement. It is also intended that any Registered Social Landlord registered and operating in Scotland will be entitled to purchase services from the framework, subject to Link's prior agreement. There is no guarantee of any work, however, it is likely that individual commissions will be "called off" either by direct selection or by mini tendering, within the terms of the Framework Agreement, to identify the most economically advantageous tender. The Framework Agreement will mainly cover the provision of Architectural services for new build housing, however individual projects could include rehabilitation of existing properties, extensions, office accommodation, commercial property, adaptations, and planned maintenance projects. The Framework Agreement may include, where successful Bidders are suitably qualified and experienced, Principal Designer Services on each of the project types listed above. The projects will range in size, tenure and type from mainstream housing to a variety of particular needs housing. The tenure type will cover all affordable tenures, private rented and market sale. Applicants should have experience of projects within the affordable housing sector of between 5 and 500 units including flats, houses and retirement living projects with a mix of tenures. The location of projects will vary but in the main will be located in the Central Belt of Scotland, Argyll & Bute and Highland, however individual projects may be located in any part of Scotland. The total number of units in each of the geographical areas may vary and specific numbers cannot be guaranteed in any area or in total. Although individual projects cannot be guaranteed, Link will expect the successful Architectural Practices to deliver a high quality and value for money service.

Total Quantity or Scope

Link Group Ltd is undertaking the procurement in accordance with Regulation 29, Restricted Procedure and Regulation 34, Framework Agreements of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulation 2015. A maximum of fifteen bidding organisations that submit a SPD (Scotland) Document v1.2 response and meet the selection criteria will be invited to submit a tender for the Framework Agreement in accordance with Regulation 66 ‘Reduction of the number of otherwise qualified candidates to be invited to participate’.

Award Detail

1 Grant Murray Architects (Glasgow)
  • Reference: 664857
  • Num offers: 15
  • Value: £50,000,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
  • Contractor is an SME.
2 Do Architecture (Glasgow)
  • Reference: 664857
  • Num offers: 15
  • Value: £50,000,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
  • Contractor is an SME.
3 Elder & Cannon Architects (Glasgow)
  • Reference: 664857
  • Num offers: 15
  • Value: £50,000,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
  • Contractor is an SME.
4 Page Park Architects (Glasgow)
  • Reference: 664857
  • Num offers: 15
  • Value: £50,000,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
  • Contractor is an SME.
5 Mast Architects (Glasgow)
  • Reference: 664857
  • Num offers: 15
  • Value: £50,000,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
  • Contractor is an SME.
6 Collective Architecture (Glasgow)
  • Reference: 664857
  • Num offers: 15
  • Value: £50,000,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
  • Contractor is an SME.
7 Stallan Brand Architecture Design (Glasgow)
  • Reference: 664857
  • Num offers: 15
  • Value: £50,000,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
  • Contractor is an SME.
8 Hypostyle (Glasgow)
  • Reference: 664857
  • Num offers: 15
  • Value: £50,000,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
  • Contractor is an SME.
9 Anderson Bell Christie (Glasgow)
  • Reference: 664857
  • Num offers: 15
  • Value: £50,000,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
  • Contractor is an SME.
10 Reiach & Hall Architects (Edinburgh)
  • Reference: 664857
  • Num offers: 15
  • Value: £50,000,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
  • Contractor is an SME.

Award Criteria

Quality 70.0
PRICE 30.0

CPV Codes

  • 71200000 - Architectural and related services


  • Award on basis of price.

Other Information

Economic Operators may be excluded from this competition if they are in any of the situations referred to in Regulation 58 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015. SPD (Scotland) Version 1.2 Question2D.1.2- Bidders must provide a separate SPD response (Sections A and B of this Part and Part III) for each subcontractor. (SC Ref:689013)

