National Clinical Audit of Psychosis

A Contract Award Notice

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Contract (Services)
22.5 month (est.)
26 Apr 2022
20 Nov 2020 to 30 Sep 2022 (est.)




Geochart for 2 buyers and 1 suppliers
Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership
Royal College of Psychiatrists
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


The Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) is seeking to commission an organisation that will manage the National Clinical Audit of Psychosis. The audit will be delivered across England and Wales. The successful bidder will be required to build on the achievements of the audit to date and enhance the ability of the audit to be used for healthcare improvement. The total contract value is £1,230,000 exc. VAT for the duration of three years. It is anticipated that the new service will commence in August 2022. This procurement is for clinical services which are part of the 'Public Contract Regulations (PCR2015)' for the purpose of the Regulations. The commissioner is not voluntarily following any other part of the Regulations. The procedure that the Commissioner is following is set out in the Invitation to Tender. The process will be similar to Open Procedure under the Regulations applied and so reserves the right to depart from that procedure at any point. To access the ITT documents:

Total Quantity or Scope

The National Clinical Audit of Psychosis has been running since 2017 with the aim of increasing the quality of care that NHS Mental Health Trusts in England and Health Boards in Wales provide to people with psychosis. It follows on from the previous National Audit of Schizophrenia. The current contract held with the College Centre for Quality Improvement at the Royal College of Psychiatrists to manage the audit will come to an end in July 2022. Building on the achievements of this audit, NHS England and Improvement has asked HQIP to recommission an audit in this area. An open procurement process will be managed by HQIP. The first year of the current psychosis audit looked at care provided to people with psychosis by inpatient and outpatient services. From year two, the audit has focused on the quality of care provided by Early Intervention in Psychosis teams. To date data has been collected via case-note audits and service-level questionnaires. The outputs produced have included national and organisation-level findings and recommendations for improvement. Key performance areas have included the assessment and treatment of physical health, health promotion, prescribing practice, use of evidence-based psychological treatments and access to services at times of crisis. The standards for the psychosis audit have been based on Implementing the Early Intervention in Psychosis Access and Waiting Time Standard guidance (NHS England, NICE & NCCMH, 2016), which details a National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommended package of Early Intervention in Psychosis (EIP) care (NICE Quality Standard [QS] 80, 2015; NICE QS102, 2015). All NHS Early Intervention in Psychosis teams with a total caseload size of fewer than 100 patients were asked to submit data on all patients meeting the criteria. Teams with a caseload size greater than 100 were asked to submit data on a random sample of 100 patients meeting the criteria.

Award Detail

1 Royal College of Psychiatrists (London)
  • Num offers: 1
  • Value: £1,229,662

Award Criteria


CPV Codes

  • 85000000 - Health and social work services


  • Award on basis of price.

Other Information

For a bidder who has already registered themselves on WAX as a supplier: Open WAX homepage (Link: - Click on "Open opportunities - Find the right opportunity and click on "View Details" - Click on "Log in" For a bidder who has NOT registered themselves on WAX as a supplier: Open WAX homepage (Link: - Click on ''Register Here" - Complete the supplier registration form and Click on "Register" - Activate your account - Open WAX homepage (Link: - Click on "Open opportunities"- Find the right opportunity and click on "View Details" - Click on "Log in" Bidders must respond to all questions. The deadline for the submission of the tender is 12 noon on 07 January 2022. Please note that any communication from HQIP regarding this tender will be via the Source2Contract messaging board. Bidders must use the Source2Contract messaging board for their communications with HQIP regarding procurement.

