Centres of Expertise (4 Lots)

A Contract Award Notice

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Contract (Services)
3 year (est.)
29 Apr 2022
01 Apr 2022 to 31 May 2025 (est.)




Geochart for 2 buyers and 4 suppliers
Scottish Government
James Hutton Institute
Edinburgh University
University Court of the University of Glasgow
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


The Scottish Government has a requirement to place 4 separate contracts with external service providers for the following services: Lot 1: Centre of Expertise for Climate Change; Lot 2: Centre of Expertise on Animal Disease Outbreaks; Lot 3: Centre of Expertise on Water; Lot 4: Centre of Expertise for Knowledge Exchange and Innovation.

Lot Division

1 Centre of Expertise Climate Change

This Centre of Expertise is essential in providing support for a wide range of economically important policies. It also supports many parts of the SG's programme for Government. It provides technical and scientific advice to policy on issues arising from Climate Change. This includes reducing greenhouse emissions, adapting to the consequences of climate change and the transition to a low carbon society.

Award Criteria
Understanding the Requirement 10.0
Programme Design and Methods 20.0
Staffing, Skills and Task Allocation 20.0
Project Management, Risk Assessment and Ethics 20.0
Data Management, Data Protection and Cyber Security 15.0
Fair Work 5.0
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery 5.0
Community Benefits 5.0
PRICE 20.0
2 Centre of Expertise on Animal Disease Outbreaks

Scottish Government Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services (RESAS) Division is recommissioning a Centre of Expertise on Animal Disease Outbreaks. RESAS supports a small number of Centres of Expertise in key areas which brigade the best available expertise from a consortium of partners into virtual centres; to simplify access by policy officials to expertise from across Scotland, to enhance synergy of effort and to stimulate innovative thinking in support of policy. The suppliers of the Centre will have the following aims: - To deliver high-quality research-based evidence and advice on the epidemiology of animal diseases that are important to Scotland to the Scottish Government. - To provide advice and analyses to the Scottish Government at short notice in the event of an outbreak of notifiable, zoonotic or newly emerging animal disease in the UK. - To stimulate innovative thinking in support of policy development and delivery. - To further enhance the coordination of research, analysis and interpretation across the subject area, leading to high quality, world leading interdisciplinary research and the production of policy-relevant outputs. - To develop a programme of knowledge exchange to ensure the effective underpinning of policy and the wider dissemination of best practice amongst stakeholders.

Award Criteria
Understanding the requirement 10.0
Programme design and methods 20.0
Staffing, Skills & Task Allocation 20.0
Project Management, Risk Assessment and Ethics 20.0
Data Management, Data Protection and Cyber Security 15.0
Fair Work 5.0
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery 5.0
Community Benefits 5.0
PRICE 20.0
3 Centre of Expertise on Water

The Scottish Government and its partners have a key role to play in the development and delivery of legislation and policies designed to ensure the quality and sustainability of Scotland’s water resources. Relevant government policies include the EU Water Framework Directive, Flood Scottish Government Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services Division (RESAS) is re-commissioning the Centre of Expertise on Water. The objective is to brigade the best available expertise on the management of water from across Scotland into a virtual centre, to simplify access to scientific advice and evidence by policy colleagues and their delivery partners, and to enhance synergy of effort and stimulate innovative thinking in support of water policy. The Centre’s purpose is to: - Deliver timely and high quality advice and research-based evidence on the management of water to the Scottish Government and its delivery partners. - Stimulate innovative thinking in support of policy development and implementation in the research area. - Enhance the coordination of research, analysis and interpretation across the subject area, leading to high quality research and policy-relevant outputs. - Deliver an effective programme of knowledge exchange and communication with Scottish Government and its stakeholders.

Award Criteria
Understanding the Requirement 10.0
Programme Design and Methods 20.0
Staffing, Skills and Tasks 20.0
Project Management, Risk Assessment and Ethics 20.0
Data Management, Data Protection and Cyber Security 15.0
Fair Work 5.0
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery 5.0
Community Benefits 5.0
PRICE 20.0
4 Centre of Expertise Knowledge Exchange and Innovation

The CKEI, now often known as SEFARI Gateway, is RESAS's Centre of Expertise for Knowledge Exchange. It supports KE across our Main Research Providers, CoEs, including into policy, industry, NGOs. It carries out reports, training, supports fellowships, produces CASE studies and will support Horizon-Scanning across the Strategic Research Programme in Environment, Natural Resources and Rural Affairs.

Award Criteria
Understanding the requirement 10.0
Programme design and methods 20.0
Staffing, Skills & Task Allocation 20.0
Project Management, Risk Assessment and Ethics 20.0
Data Management, Data Protection and Cyber Security 15.0
Fair Work 5.0
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery 5.0
Community Benefits 5.0
PRICE 20.0

Award Detail

1 James Hutton Institute (Aberdeen)
  • Centre of Expertise on Water
  • Num offers: 1
  • Value: £3,460,488
2 Edinburgh University (Edinburgh)
  • Centre of Expertise Climate Change
  • Num offers: 1
  • Value: £8,402,917
3 University Court of the University of Glasgow (Glasgow)
  • Centre of Expertise on Animal Disease Outbreaks
  • Num offers: 1
  • Value: £6,226,080
4 Sefari (Invergowrie Dundee)
  • Centre of Expertise Knowledge Exchange and Innovation
  • Num offers: 1
  • Value: £2,356,313

Renewal Options

Option to extend for an additional period of up to 2 years (2 x 1 year) to 31 March 2027

CPV Codes

  • 73000000 - Research and development services and related consultancy services


  • Options are available.
  • Award on basis of price.

Other Information

Economic operators may be excluded from this competition if they are in any of the situations referred to in regulation 58 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015. Single Procurement Document will be scored on a pass/fail basis. Award Criteria Questions can be found in the ITT together with the weightings. Question scoring methodology for award criteria outlined in Invitation to Tender.Bidders must complete the SPD (Scotland) to demonstrate adherence to the exclusion and selection criteria for this procurement. If there are named subcontractors/technicians upon which the bidder will rely to meet the selection criteria, these named parties must complete and reattach the SPD Supplier Response Form attached to SPD questions 2C.1.1 (Reliance on the capacity of other entities) and 2D.1.2 (Subcontractors) on PCS-T. These parties must complete the first 3 sections of the SPD form, as well as any part of the Section 4 selection criteria that the main bidder will rely upon the parties to fulfil. If parties have not yet been identified, this information may be required at a later date. Scottish Government reserves the right to request this information from relevant parties upon whom the main bidder will not rely to fulfil selection criteria. 4C.10 Bidders will be required to confirm whether they intend to sub-contract and if so, for what proportion of the contract. 4C.1.2 Bidders will be required to provide examples of similar services detailed as follows: Lot 1 - 2 recent examples of managing projects and giving advice on Climate Change issues, to public bodies or government. Lot 2 - 2 recent examples of managing projects, and giving advice on Animal Diseases, and/or epidemiology and/or modelling to public bodies or government. Lot 3 - 2 recent examples of managing projects and giving advice on Water issues, and/or wastewater and/or flooding issues to public bodies or government. Lot 4 - 2 recent examples of managing projects and providing advice on emerging scientific or social scientific issues to public bodies or government. (SC Ref:677508)

