Provision of Non- Ambulatory Patient Transport Service
A Contract Award Notice
- Source
- Type
- Contract (Services)
- Duration
- 1 year (est.)
- Value
- £2M
- Sector
- Published
- 03 May 2022
- Delivery
- To 03 May 2023 (est.)
- Deadline
- n/a
3 buyers
- NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Glasgow
- NHS Lanarkshire Bothwell
1 supplier
- Abc Ambulance Services Glasgow
NHSGG&C require a service to transport primarily non ambulatory patients who require to be conveyed on a stretcher, trolley or chair including stair climbers. This business sector is at risk of infiltration by Serious and Organised Crime (SOC). NHSGG&C has therefore enhanced its criteria to participate and has implemented its SOC mitigation protocol. Economic Operators must comply fully with the conditions for participation set out in Section III.1 below and read them in conjunction with the European Single Procurement Document (ESPD) which is provided via the Public Contracts Scotland - Tender Portal Link
Total Quantity or Scope
NHSGG&C wish to provide an efficient and reliable Transport Service for Patients who are primarily non ambulatory who require to be conveyed, for example on a stretcher, chair etc across all our Acute Sites. Sites which may utilise this Service include Gartnavel General, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Royal Hospital for Children, Stobhill Hospitals Campus, Gartnavel Royal Hospital, Beatson Oncology Centre, Royal Alexandra Hospital, Inverclyde Royal Hospital and Vale of Leven Hospital. During the months of September to November 2017, the average number of patient conveyances per site using the service, per day is as follows: Royal Alexandra Hospital (RAH) appx 1-2 per day Inverclyde Royal Hospital (IRH) appx 1-2 per day Glasgow Royal Infirmary (GRI) appx 0-1 per day Queen Elizabeth University Hospital (QEUH) appx 3-4 per day Conveyances are mainly within the geographical boundaries of NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde with a small proportion to hospitals out with, but normally to neighbouring Health Board Areas. Conveyances typically take place between 12:00-20:00 although some may take place out with this window. In addition, NHS Lanarkshire sites which may utilise this service include University Hospital Wishaw, University Hospital Hairmyres and University Hospital Monklands. During the months of August to October 2017 the average number of patient conveyances per site, per day are as follows: University Hospital Wishaw appx 4-5 per day University Hospital Hairmyres appx 4-5 per day University Hospital Monklands appx 0-1 per day Conveyances are mainly within the geographical boundaries of NHS Lanarkshire with a small proportion to hospitals outwith but normally to neighbouring Health Board areas. Conveyances typically take place between 12:00-00:00 although some may take place outwith this window.
Award Detail
1 | Abc Ambulance Services (Glasgow)
Award Criteria
Technical | 50.0 |
Cost | 50.0 |
CPV Codes
- 85143000 - Ambulance services
- Award on basis of price and quality.
Other Information
This is a sector identified at risk of infiltration by Serious Organised Crime (SOC) by the Greater Glasgow Serious Organised Crime Interventions, Police Scotland and, as such, mitigating actions will be required as part of this Procurement process. The procurement of the Non-Ambulatory Patient Transport Service will follow the Procurement Department's SOC mitigation protocol. EO's seeking to participate must provide the information required in this notice which will be pre-vetted by Greater Glasgow Serious Organised Crime Interventions, Police Scotland and NHSGG&C Procurement Team. This information must be attached on PCST within the ESPD general attachment section. Failure to supply required information will prevent the EO from proceeding to the tender stage. The Contracting Authority does not intend to include a sub-contract clause - As this contract involves a business sector at risk of SOC infiltration, sub contracting is not allowed without the prior express agreement of NHSGG&C. Any sub-contractor will be required to be pre-vetted by the Greater Glasgow Serious Organised Crime Interventions unit of Police Scotland. (SC Ref:691643)
- OJEU 234640-2022