701575803 - The Provision of a Defence Air Passenger Services System (DAPSS)
A Tender Notice (Defence)
- Source
- Find a Tender
- Type
- Framework ()
- Duration
- 7 year
- Value
- £11M
- Sector
- Published
- 09 May 2022
- Delivery
- To 15 Jul 2029 (est.)
- Deadline
- 16 May 2022 23:59
United Kingdom: UK
1 buyer
- MOD Bristol
The Authority provides military air transportation around the world to various destinations and carries in the region of 200,000 passengers and crew each year. These passengers include military personnel deploying to operations worldwide, VIPs and their associates, Civil Servants, civilian contractors, families and other concessionary travellers and, on occasion, fare paying passengers. The Defence Air Passenger Systems Service (DAPSS) capability shall provide a flight scheduling, reservation processing, and aircraft despatch capability to manage air passengers and their baggage. It shall ensure the sustainable, safe and efficient operation of the military Air Transport Force and Authority passenger charter aircraft worldwide. The DAPSS capability will utilise three modular elements from the standard airline industry Passenger Services Systems technology: 1. Scheduling – to support the scheduling of RAF air transport flights and the Authority charter air passenger flights. 2. Airline Reservation System – to allow air passengers to be allocated to a specific flight. 3. Departure Control Systems – to support the air terminal functions of checking-in air passengers and their baggage. The Authority expects this capability to be fulfilled by a Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) product. The DAPSS data has a Privacy Marking not exceeding OFFICIAL SENSITIVE.
Total Quantity or Scope
5 Years plus 3 x 1 Year Options (5 years = 60 Months Each 1 Year option = 12 Months)
Renewal Options
3 x 1 Year Options for the continuation of service. Option 1: 2027 - 2028 Option 2: 2028 - 2029 Option 3: 2029 - 2030
CPV Codes
- 63721500 - Passenger terminal operation services
- 48000000 - Software package and information systems
- 48120000 - Flight control software package
- 48131000 - Aviation ground support software package
- 48813000 - Passenger information system
- 48813200 - Real-time passenger information system
- An E-Auction will not be used.
- Deposits and guarantees may be required.
- Economic restrictions apply.
- Financing restrictions apply.
- Bidders must have a specified legal form.
- Miscellaneous restrictions apply.
- The operator's personal situation may be considered.
- Technical restrictions apply.
Other Information
The Contracting Authority intends to use an e-Tendering system in this procurement exercise, please visit www.contracts.mod.uk for full details and to register your interest in this procurement. Any questions related to the DAPSS project should be directed to the DE&S (DE&S Digital - formally known as SCIS DT) via the Defence Sourcing Portal. Please also refer to the Opportunity Listing (including the DPQQ) on the Defence Sourcing Portal: https://contracts.mod.uk/esop/guest/go/opportunity/detail?opportunityId=51830 Cyber Security Information; The Cyber Risk Level for this procurement is HIGH. The Risk Assessment Reference (RAR) is RAR - 907566431. A full description of the Cyber Risk levels is available at DEFSTAN 05-138. Potential Providers should make themselves familiar with the requirements against the profile assessment for this risk level. Please note that the date contained in 'III.1.5) Information about security clearance, Candidates which do not yet hold security clearance may obtain such clearance until (dd/mm/yyyy)' is an anticipated date based on the anticipated date for Contract Award.
- FTS 012043-2022