End of Life and Palliative Care Services

A Prior Information Notice (Social)

Find a Tender
Contract (Services)
8 year
13 May 2022
To 01 Aug 2030 (est.)
14 Jun 2022 12:00




Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
NHS Hampshire Southampton & Isle of Wight CCG
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


It is the Contracting Authority's preference to enter into a contract with Mountbatten Hampshire, in order to continue to develop and enhance the existing contract in line with national and place based commissioning plans. Hampshire, Southampton and Isle of Wight CCG requirements for End of Life and Palliative Care Services encompasses Southampton City and parts of South West and North & Mid Hampshire locality (Eastleigh North, Eastleigh & Southern Parishes, Chandlers Ford, Romsey & North Baddesley, Winchester South and Winchester North, excluding Winchester City and the New Forest).

Total Quantity or Scope

The current proposal is to award to Mountbatten Hampshire, for a period of 5 years commencing 1st April 2023 with the option to extend for a further 3 x 1 year periods. Mountbatten Hampshire has been a local provider of hospice care in Southampton for nearly 45 years and has been the commissioned charitable provider of end of life and palliative care across Southampton City and South West Hampshire since 2019. Mountbatten has vast experience and reliable track record of providing a holistic approach to end of life care supporting and benefiting people before and after death, in a place and time when it is needed most. Since beginning the contract period in 2019, Mountbatten Hampshire have been providing a highly valuable service, delivering good quality patient care with good outcomes for local people. This was demonstrated and evidenced in the recent service review carried out by Commissioners. The service has demonstrated a flexible and adaptable approach, particularly during the COVID19 pandemic. They are working to a Service Development & Improvement Plan (SDIP) which is growing and developing the service to meet the needs of the local population who are in need of end of life services. Patient and referrer feedback is positive. The service was also recently rated as 'good' in the 2021 CQC inspection. The development of nurse led respite beds has also been a successful implementation in 2022. The 24/7 rapid response for the community was implemented in 2021 and again provides greater support and comfort to families caring for their loved ones in their final days, whilst also taking pressure off of the wider system.

CPV Codes

  • 85000000 - Health and social work services


  • Bids should cover the whole contract.

Other Information

The proposed contract is for a period of 5 years commencing 1st April 2023 with the option to extend for a further 3 x 1 year periods. If, however, there are expressions of interest to compete to deliver the requirements, it should be noted that a competition process in accordance with Public Contracts Regulations 2015 will be undertaken. Please log in to the InTend portal (project reference F15663) to access the full explanation and service specification. If you wish to express an interest or should you wish to discuss the content of this PIN further, please contact South of England Procurement Services via the Intend eTendering portal. An EOI form needs to be submitted by 12:00 midday on 14th June May 2022 in order to officially express an interest, please note EOIs will be opened as and when received. If no expressions of interest are received, the Authority will enter into a contract with the above-named provider relying upon a Regulation 32 exemption of no response/no requests to participate have been submitted in response to this notice. Instructions on how to access the RFI via our E-tendering portal: 1) Browse the SoEPS Commissioning Support portal: https://in-tendhost.co.uk/soepscommissioning 2) Click the "Register" link on the left-hand side of the page. 3) Enter your correct business and user details. 4) Note the email address and password chosen and Click "Register My Company" when complete. 5) Login to the portal with the username/password. 6) You will be prompted to change your password on first login. 7) Hover your mouse over the "Tenders" button on the main toolbar and choose the relevant option: - "My Tenders" shows a list of the opportunities in which you have already expressed an interest or to which you have been invited; - "Awarded" shows a list of tenders awarded on the system (where these are were open to all); - "Current" shows a list of all the advertised opportunities on the system (i.e., open to all) in which you are able to express an interest; - "Forthcoming" shows a list of pipeline projects (including those in which providers can still express an interest - i.e., deadlines not yet reached). 8) Click on the "View Details" button for relevant opportunity to access the content, clicking "Express an Interest" where required to do so. 9) Click the relevant procurement as required then click the "Opt-In" at the bottom of the page to start building your submission to the procurement stage. This will move the project over to your "My Tenders" page. (This is a secure area reserved for your projects only). 10) Note the deadline for completion and follow the on screen instructions to complete the RFI, accessing any attached documents as required. 11) Any questions on specific opportunities should be directed through the portal messaging facility.

