Repairs to retaining wall Milton Cemetery, Weston-super-Mare

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Works)
1 month
20 May 2022
01 Sep 2022 to 30 Sep 2022
24 Jun 2022 12:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


Weston-super-Mare Town Council is seeking Expressions of Interest from suitably experienced and qualified companies to undertake repairs to a section of retaining wall at Milton Cemetery, Weston-super-Mare. The contractor will need to have proven and demonstrated experience in similar projects and the wide ranging skill bases to achieve the contract requirement of rebuilding an approx.24 metre section of a retaining wall. Companies from whom Weston-super-Mare Town Council procure goods and services must demonstrate that all practicable steps are being taken to allow equal access and equal treatment in employment and service delivery, as appropriate to the nature of the contract. Following a decision made by Weston-super-Mare Town Council in July 2020, the Council is committed to working with Contractors who pay the Real Living Wage to their employees. Companies from whom Weston-super-Mare Town Council procure goods and services must be able to demonstrate an excellent Health and Safety record, accordingly contractors that cannot demonstrate an excellent record, free from enforcement action, will not be considered. Contractors must also be able to demonstrate how they provide social value with the work being carried out, within parameters set out by the Town Council. Weston-super-Mare Town Council will evaluate the Expression of Interest submissions received, and shortlist qualifying companies to invite tenders for the project. Registration of interest does not imply inclusion on the tender list. Tender documents will be issued early July 2022, work is anticipated to commence August 2022. The evaluation will be in accordance with the following criteria, a fail under the Health and Safety criteria will automatically result in exclusion from the tender list. An aggregate of 4 or more fails will automatically result in exclusion from the tender list. Evaluation Criteria Proven experience in type and scale of work within a public open space Financial capability Proven experience in type and scale of work within conservation areas. Evidence of an excellent Health & Safety Record (no enforcement action under current legislation) Confirmation that employees are paid Real Living Wage. Resources and availability to tender July 2022 and undertake work August 2022 Interested parties are asked to submit Expressions of Interest to include their: • Company name, address, contact name and registration number • Company bankers name and account number • Details of any enforcement action under Health & Safety Legislation • Brief details of two recent (within last 36 months) similar projects undertaken by the company (Max 1000 words) • Confirmation that the company pays real living wage.

CPV Codes

  • 45000000 - Construction work
  • 50000000 - Repair and maintenance services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

• Confirmation that the company will be able to submit a tender and should they be successful, commence work August 2022 Expressions of Interest should be sent no later than 12 noon on Friday 24th June 2022 to: Sarah Pearse Email: Advert Expression of Interest - Cemetery Walls.pdf

