Chorley Tunnel South Cutting- Soil Nailing

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Works)
0.5 year
30 May 2022
31 Oct 2022 to 28 Apr 2023
03 Jun 2022 17:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


JMS have been awarded a contract from Network Rail for works at Chorley Tunnel South Cutting to commence towards the end of 2022. The works being tendered for involve Soil Nailing with an element of De-veg, Gas & Grouting burrows, enabling works, drainage & traffic management. All plant and labour to be allowed for and deliveries including unloading and storing. The contractor is to be self sufficient and Murphy to only supply Supervision, Welfare, compound and security. About the buyer's selection process: Tenders will be evaluated on a "normalised" basis. This will involve financial adjustment using either cost information provided by the tendering parties or JMS' own estimates, to bring all tenders to a common basis and taking into consideration the total of all costs. JMS reserves the right to consider the projects management and delivery costs when assessing the most economically advantageous tender. General Considerations in relation to this tender: JMS does not undertake to pay any expenses incurred by the tenderer in the preparation of this tender and participating in this procurement process. Prices submitted as part of this enquiry must remain open for acceptance for a minimum of 120 days from the closing date for the receipt of offers. Tenders incorporating qualifications, amendments or price exclusions may be deemed non-compliant and excluded from consideration. Tenders received after the Tender Return Date without prior agreement may not be considered. A tender response is no guarantee that a contract will be awarded. The ITT does not commit JMS to the award of a contract. JMS reserves the right to terminate or suspend the procurement process at any time or to re-invite responses on a different basis. Tenderers must keep confidential and not disclose to any third party (without the prior written consent of JMS) any Confidential Information supplied by JMS to the Tenderers and shall use such information only for the purpose of preparing, submitting and negotiating the tender described herein. Tenderers must also ensure that all their suppliers, employees and agents comply with this requirement. The Main Contract terms and conditions for this project are CECA Blue Form which is summarised in the enclosed Invitation to Tender section 1.04 and are available upon request. The specimen Subcontract for these works is summarised in the enclosed Invitation to Tender section 1.07 and can be found in section 1.11. Unless stated otherwise, your initial submission will be deemed to accept the terms of this enquiry document and all conditions contained therein as forming part of the final price offers. The Standards We Expect It is our policy to procure goods and services competitively, ethically, sustainably and efficiently in accordance with all relevant laws, regulations and licenses in each of these sectors. There is a minimum requirement that our supply chain partners have to meet to be put on our supply chain partner lists. Accreditations New general building contractors classified as non-high risk hold a valid health and safety accreditation recognised by SSIP New subcontractors deemed as high risk hold a valid construction line health and safety accreditation at Gold Level/ Level 3 New subcontractors working within a specific sector i.e. transport, power, water etc. must hold a valid sector specific health and safety accreditation (i.e. RISQS, UVDB FPAL, TRans Q etc), Email for more info- drawings etc as it isn't allowing me to attach as the files are too large.

CPV Codes

  • 45111230 - Ground-stabilisation work


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

Please follow this link to view the notice

