Veterinary Vaccine Manufacturing and Innovation Centre (Vet-VMIC) - Lot 1 Project Manager (PM) Lot 2 Cost Manager (CM) Lot 3 Multi-Disciplinary Design Team (MDDT)

A Tender Notice

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Contract (Services)
33.5 month
31 May 2022
12 Sep 2022 to 23 Jun 2025
06 Jul 2022 12:00




Geochart for 2 buyers and 0 suppliers

2 buyers


The Veterinary Vaccine Manufacturing and Innovation Centre for Livestock and Zoonotic Diseases (abbreviated to 'Vet-VMIC') is a proposed new facility at The Pirbright Institute in Surrey, UK. The Vet-VMIC core objectives will be to stimulate the development of new vaccines for animal health and public health, both in the UK and globally. The Vet-VMIC will build on and develop expertise in veterinary virology, bacteriology, parasitology, immunology, and vaccine development. The Vet-VMIC building will predominately be a Clean Room, GLP containment level 2 (SAPO2/ACDP2/GMO2) building with 1x laboratory Clean room suite designed to GMP level that will have the capability of working with SAPO3/ACDP3/GMO3 classified pathogens. The Authority is seeking to establish three contracts, otherwise defined as "Lots", as follows:- Lot 1 - Project Manager Lot 2 - Cost Manager Lot 3 - Multi-Disciplinary Design Team Tenderers may apply for all lots.

Lot Division

1 Project Manager

The Project Manager shall act as the lead consultant in relation to all matters in connection with the design and construction of the Vet-VMIC (RIBA stages 0-7) being responsible for liaising with and co-ordinating the activities of the Project Team. The Project Manager shall act as the Client's representative for the purposes of and shall perform all the functions and comply with all the obligations imposed on the Client's Agent by, the Building Contract and any Third-Party Agreements. The Project Manager will be required to assist the Client in the procurement and evaluation of the Principal Contractor. The Project Manager, in conjunction with the Cost Manager, will establish rigorous cost control procedures and ensure the approved cost limit is maintained. The Project Manager with the support of the Cost Manager and other consultants will undertaking active risk management including quantitative risk assurance. The Project Manager will work closely with the Client and their expert advisors, Cost Manager, Multidisciplinary Design Team, other consultants, contractors, and all others involved with the project to foster a partnering culture. The culture will embody the principles of mutual trust and co-operation with an overall aim of delivering a successful project on time and to budget.

2 Cost Manager (CM)

The Cost Manager shall provide cost management and quantity surveyor services as required to support the Project Manager and Client in connection with the design and construction of the Vet-VMIC (RIBA stages 0-7). The Cost Manager will be required to assist the Client in the procurement and evaluation of the Principal Contractor; provide monthly projected cashflow estimates until completion of the works; and assist the project manager and other consultants in undertaking active risk management, quantitative risk assurance and value management exercises including whole life cycle costings. The Cost Manager will promote a 'design to budget' philosophy, actively participating in the design process and provide constructive comments and advice. The Cost Manager, in conjunction with the Project Manager, will establish rigorous cost control procedures and ensure that designs are strictly monitored against the agreed cost plan and the approved cost limit is maintained. The Cost Manager will work closely with the Client and their expert advisors, Project Manager, Multidisciplinary Design Team, other consultants, contractors, and all others involved with the project to foster a partnering culture. The culture will embody the principles of mutual trust and co-operation with an overall aim of delivering a successful project on time and to budget.


The Multidisciplinary Design Team shall provide all the disciplines required for the design of the Vet-VMIC (up to and including RIBA stage 4a) and act as the Client Monitoring Team during the principal Contractor design stage, construction, and handover into operations (RIBA stages 4b - 7). Pirbright Innovations Limited will contract with the designated Lead Consultant. The services undertaken by the Multi-Disciplinary Design Team are outlined below and include: • Lead Consultant; • Information Management; • Principal Designer; • Architect (including interior design and space planning); • BREEAM Consultant; • Fire Strategy Consultant; • Landscape Architect; • Structural Engineer; • Civil Engineer; • Clerk of Works (Architectural, Structural & Civil); • Building Services Engineer; • Acoustic Consultant; • Commissioning, Verification and Validation Consultant. The Multidisciplinary Design Team are to incorporate Bio-containment, Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), Net carbon-zero and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) expertise across the services to be delivered as appropriate. The Multidisciplinary Design Team will be responsible for the managing the design process, providing an appropriate design programme for each design stage, actively promoting a 'design to cost' philosophy and ensuring that designs are strictly monitored against the agreed cost plan and the approved cost limit is maintained. They will provide support to the Planning Consultant in securing planning permission (reserve matter planning application). The Multidisciplinary Design Team will work closely with the Client and their expert advisors, Project Manager, Cost Manager, other consultants, contractors, and all others involved with the project to foster a partnering culture. The culture will embody the principles of mutual trust and co-operation with an overall aim of delivering a successful project on time and to budget.

CPV Codes

  • 71000000 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
  • 71242000 - Project and design preparation, estimation of costs
  • 71244000 - Calculation of costs, monitoring of costs
  • 71200000 - Architectural and related services


  • Bids should cover one or more lots.
  • Bids should cover the whole contract.
  • Renewals are not available.
  • Award on basis of price and quality.

Other Information

This requirement has also been advertised on Contracts Finder. The ITT package can be found on Contracts Finder or on request from Please note that Appendix J - Confidentiality Agreement must be completed, signed, and emailed to asap. Then and only then will the full ITT package (Appendix G1-G4) be issued to the requester.

