MUDTRAITS Data At Rest Request For Information
A Pre-Procurement Notice
- Source
- Contracts Finder
- Type
- Future Contract ()
- Duration
- not specified
- Value
- ___
- Sector
- Published
- 07 Jun 2022
- Delivery
- 01 Jan 2001 to 01 Jan 2001
- Deadline
- 18 Jul 2022 23:59
1 buyer
- MOD Bristol
The Morpheus User Data Terminal and IT Security (MUDTRaITS) Data At Rest (MDAR) project is tasked with specifying and identifying a suitable data at rest solution to protect data at rest from close access technical attack on a powered down device. The purpose of this Request For Information (RFI) is to understand the technical options and constraints that should be considered by the MDAR Project Team and what Industry has available or in development for the timescale identified. The Project Team is looking for thoughtful insights on the topics raised, and succinct answers are preferred where possible. Answers provided against this RFI will be used to inform the requirement, not to down-select any Industry supplier, and will neither include nor preclude industry involvement in any future BATCIS procurement activity. The method of response will be via a survey released by the Defence Digital BATCIS Delivery Team. The survey is hosted in Microsoft Forms and the link is shared via Defence Share (details below) which is a web-based platform used by MOD to share information with external parties. There will be a separate downloadable PDF made available on Defence Share should respondents want to see the questions in their totality.
CPV Codes
- 32000000 - Radio, television, communication, telecommunication and related equipment
- Contract is suitable for SMEs.
Other Information
You must not take this RFI as confirmation that the MOD shall award a contract for this requirement. MOD is publishing this RFI without any commitment to issue an invitation to tender or place a contract. Accordingly, any expenditure, work or effort undertaken prior to any contract award is a matter solely for the commercial judgement of potential suppliers. Announcements may also be published on Defence Sourcing Portal, Contracts Finder or the Find a Tender Service, as appropriate. Who can access the RFI Survey? The RFI Survey is open to all Industry parties who may be interested in contributing to the Authority's knowledge about Industry activities, associated research and delivery timeframes. To access the RFI Survey, you must join the BATCIS Industry Engagement Workspace on Defence Share. Industry may be limited to two members per organisation due to the capacity limits on Defence Share. How do I join the Defence Share workspace? To request access to the BATCIS Industry Engagement workspace on Defence Share please send a request to What if I have a question arising from the RFI survey? Members of our Defence Share workspace will be able to ask questions using the Q&A option on Defence Share page between 24th March 2022 and 10th July 2022. Answers to questions will be posted by the Project Team via the Defence Share page. Edited on 7/6/2022: This edit consisted of extending the end date of this request for information from 10th June 2022 until 10th July 2022. The Request for Information document can be viewed in full within the Defence Souring Portal Opportunity Listing for MUDTRAITS DAR. Link to the Defence Souring Portal Opportunity Listing
- tender_302412/1054540
- CF 8d371a03-3dd3-4ad8-98f4-5d66251f8319