Recovery Communities Framework
A Contract Award Notice
- Source
- Type
- Contract (Services)
- Duration
- 3 year (est.)
- Value
- ___
- Sector
- Published
- 17 Jun 2022
- Delivery
- To 16 Jun 2025 (est.)
- Deadline
- n/a
2 buyers
- NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Glasgow
1 supplier
- Unnamed None
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) on behalf of Glasgow Health and Social Care Partnership (GHSCP) is seeking dynamic organisations or partnerships of organisation(s), to deliver a peer-led recovery community across North East, North West and South Glasgow
Lot Division
1 | North East The successful organisation will provide peer-led community support to promote recovery from alcohol and drug use and support people to sustain recovery through mutual aid and different models of recovery. This should have a positive impact on individuals’ mental and physical health, reduce social isolation, improve resilience and social skills, family and peer relationships. Recovery communities should identify gaps and influence developments in alcohol and drug service provision across Glasgow, and work in partnership with GHSCP and Alcohol and Drug Partnership (ADP) to implement new initiatives. Recovery communities should support individuals and families with lived experience to represent the views and needs of people affected by alcohol and drug use in a variety of operational and strategic Award Criteria
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2 | North West The successful organisation will provide peer-led community support to promote recovery from alcohol and drug use and support people to sustain recovery through mutual aid and different models of recovery. This should have a positive impact on individuals’ mental and physical health, reduce social isolation, improve resilience and social skills, family and peer relationships. Recovery communities should identify gaps and influence developments in alcohol and drug service provision across Glasgow, and work in partnership with GHSCP and Alcohol and Drug Partnership (ADP) to implement new initiatives. Recovery communities should support individuals and families with lived experience to represent the views and needs of people affected by alcohol and drug use in a variety of operational and strategic fora. Award Criteria
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3 | South The successful organisation will provide peer-led community support to promote recovery from alcohol and drug use and support people to sustain recovery through mutual aid and different models of recovery. This should have a positive impact on individuals’ mental and physical health, reduce social isolation, improve resilience and social skills, family and peer relationships. Recovery communities should identify gaps and influence developments in alcohol and drug service provision across Glasgow, and work in partnership with GHSCP and Alcohol and Drug Partnership (ADP) to implement new initiatives. Recovery communities should support individuals and families with lived experience to represent the views and needs of people affected by alcohol and drug use in a variety of operational and strategic fora. Award Criteria
Award Detail
1 | Unnamed (None)
2 | Unnamed (None)
3 | Unnamed (None)
CPV Codes
- 75200000 - Provision of services to the community
- 98000000 - Other community, social and personal services
Other Information
This service will be of lower interest to cross-border competition. As this contract is above the threshold of 589,000GBP, the Light Touch Regime (LTR) will apply in line with regulations 74-76 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015. We will ensure that all LTR provisions are met as follows: - Publish a contract notice on Public Contracts Scotland (PCS) for onward transmission to the OJEU. - Publish a contract award notice. - Apply reasonable and proportionate time limits to all stages of the procurement (the tender will be advertised for 30 days as standard) - Assess successful bidders to identify any instances where mandatory exclusion grounds may apply (bidders must complete sections 1-3 of the European Single Procurement Document (ESPD) (SC Ref:696864)
- OJEU 328841-2022