Refurbishment and Alterations to Ryde Esplanade Train Station

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Works)
5.5 month
14 Jul 2022
10 Oct 2022 to 31 Mar 2023
08 Aug 2022 14:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


The works are for the refurbishment of the currently redundant building at Ryde Esplanade on the northern side at the western end to provide operational accommodate for both SWR and SV comprising: 1. Extension of the concourse between the western cafe concession and the refurbished toilets to provide a covered link to both the existing and reinstate pier and resurfacing of the concourse. 2. Refurbishment of the existing W.Cs. 3. SWR: • ticket hall • ticket office • back office operations room / file storage • staff accommodation - kitchenette / toilet / lockers • Tourist Information Counter (TIC) 4. The refurbishment of the current SWR accommodation and 'doughnut counter' at the western elevation to provide a single concession able to operate as a café with glazed façade able to utilise opportunity for alfresco dinning created as a part of the highway works (see attached plan) 5. SV • ticket office • back office operations room / file storage • staff accommodation - kitchenette / toilet / lockers • Storage facility for the Community Rail Partnership (CRP) • The refurbishment of the currently closed public toilets and waiting room in the building on the northern side at the western end • The refurbishment of the existing concession and SV accommodation on the southern elevation to provide either two, three or a larger single concession with glazed façade Items 1 and 2 are the key project achievements, all other project deliverables are listed in priority order thereafter. The term of the contract shall be 16th August 2022 until 31st March 2023. The closing date for receipt of Tenders is 14:00 on 8th August 2022. Potential Contractors proposing to submit a Tender are advised to read all documents contained within the Tender Pack carefully to ensure that they are fully familiar with the nature and extent of the obligations to be accepted by them if their Tender is accepted by the Authority. Potential Contractors should note the Procurement Strategy for this process is to engage a Preferred Contractor following the conclusion of the Stage 1 tender process. At this point, the Preferred Contractor will enter into a Pre-Contract Services Agreement (PCSA) for an 8-week period which will allow the Preferred Contractor to work collaboratively with the Project Team to achieve a scheme capable of delivery within the quality, programme and budgetary requirements which are stipulated within the Key Project Deliverables of the Project Brief Document. Stage 2 will act as an enabler to the project through the undertaking of investigative works, enabling construction and/or deconstruction works. Mobilising at this stage will reduce the overall project duration and inform the design development before the financial close of the project at the conclusion of Stage 2. This should serve to reduce the risk profile for unforeseen works. The Contractor who is in second place following the Stage 1 tender evaluation will be held in reserve and m

CPV Codes

  • 45000000 - Construction work


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

