The Provision of Registrant Emotional Support Helpline

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
3 year
15 Jul 2022
11 Oct 2022 to 10 Oct 2025
08 Aug 2022 14:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


Suppliers interested in participating in this procurement exercise are requested to express an interest in this via the Atamis e-Sourcing portal, where the tender will be published We need an easily accessible telephone support line where Registrants, involved in our FtP process, can seek independent support, help and advice. The proposed service should be able to answer calls promptly and be available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, as required by the NMC and/or client demand. The model of service delivery should allow for scaling up or down to meet the needs of clients. The service should be open to self-referrals from any nurse, midwife or nursing associate who requires emotional support at any point during the FtP process. This may also include signposting to other relevant organisations within a reasonable time period after an FtP case has concluded. The service must provide both a dedicated telephone number for Registrants and an online self-referral form. The provider must be experienced enough to separate emotional and legal matters and guide Registrants appropriately. We are looking for a supplier with extensive knowledge of support organisations that can assist a wide range of needs. We will require the provider to be able to facilitate or signpost access to specialist support for Registrants who may have particular needs, such as people with learning difficulties or those suffering with mental health problems. The service must include a highly trained team of telephone case workers with a range of counselling and psychology qualifications, or similar transferable experience. We require a service with extensive national experience, with knowledge of support services in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The service should also be able to demonstrate flexibility, adaptability, value for money, transferable experience, shared learning and an infrastructure in place to deliver a fully operational service straight away. The service should have an in-house case management system, as well as an individually tailored support programme for each service user. It must also be able to provide ongoing emotional support through a dedicated telephone case worker and, in more complex cases, the ability to make referrals to a client's local area for ongoing, emotional, face to face support. We require evidence of experience of working with sensitive and personal information. They will need to show evidence of up to date technical ability, which complies with GDPR, safeguarding legislation and confidentiality, and has the highest security standards.

CPV Codes

  • 72253000 - Helpdesk and support services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

