Languages Hub - Contracts Finder

A Pre-Procurement Notice

Contracts Finder
Future Contract ()
not specified
28 Jul 2022
01 Jan 2001 to 01 Jan 2001
16 Aug 2022 23:59



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


The purpose of this early engagement notice is to notify the market of the Department for Education (DfE) intention to undertake a procurement exercise to establish a national centre for languages, supporting a collaborative network of Languages Hubs, in England. The aim of the Languages Hubs is to support schools to increase interest, uptake and attainment in languages, helping to reach the 90% EBacc entry ambition as restated in the Schools White Paper (28 March 2022). The purpose of this early engagement notice is to notify the market of The Languages Hubs will: - as part of the wider development of school-led system leadership, improve the quality of languages education, and develop and spread excellent, evidence-based practice in primary and secondary language teaching and learning; - offer bespoke peer-led training and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) to teachers in schools, in England, informed by research and evidence; - focus on evidence-based, high-quality language teaching and learning, and the development of effective transition points from primary to secondary to tertiary education; - align with existing and new DfE-led languages programmes (specifically Arabic and German), and Curriculum Body arrangements, including signposting to information to support heritage languages.

CPV Codes

  • 80000000 - Education and training services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

This contracts Finder Future Opportunity Notice is linked to an Early Supplier Engagement Event and a PIN without call for competition. The contractor can be either one organisation, or a group of economic operators. We are keen to receive feedback from suppliers on our proposal and therefore we will be hosting a market engagement webinar. A market engagement webinar will be hosted by the DfE on Thursday 18 August 2022, from 1:30pm to 2:30pm. Details of this webinar will be sent to interested parties following registration. Bidders who are not already registered on the portal can register here: When registered and signed in to Jaggaer you will need to express an interest in the opportunity to be able to access all relevant documentation, including the webinar pack. For information: Attendance at the market engagement events is not a pre-requisite for being able to submit a tender against this opportunity. If you are unable to attend the market engagement events, the information pack, along with slides and Q&A will be made available. If you would like to attend the market engagement webinar on Thursday 18 August 2022, please express your interest by no later than 4:00pm on Thursday 16 August 2022. For any assistance required in registering please contact the Jaggaer helpdesk: This Contracts Finder Future Opportunity notice is a zero value notice for early market engagement. It is for information only and is not a call for competition. The Department for Education reserves the right not to enter a formal procurement process and not proceed with contract award.

