CEFAS22-58 RFQ Global Travel Risk Mitigation Services
A Contract Award Notice
- Source
- Contracts Finder
- Type
- Contract (Services)
- Duration
- 1 year
- Value
- £28K
- Sector
- Published
- 09 Aug 2022
- Delivery
- 01 Aug 2022 to 31 Jul 2023
- Deadline
- 07 Jul 2022 14:00

1 buyer
- DEFRA Network Etendering Portal Lowestoft
1 supplier
- International Sos None
The requirement is to provide Cefas with a robust framework of services to support our global travel risk mitigation solutions. As part of our core specification, Cefas require the successful tenderer: 1. to work with our chosen Travel Management Company (TMC) to obtain details of all planned travel and travellers. Use this information to tailor a comprehensive pre-travel, country-specific information pack providing details of relevance to the destination, and any en-route stopovers, including general travel advice, cultural/religious awareness and identification of main hazards and risks, including those of a medical and security nature. Risk mitigation measures will be identified, for example indicating the recommended vaccinations as well as highlighting necessary measures to address security threats, with the aim of managing associated travel risks. We would expect the successful Tenderer to draw from their own central team of experts, using local knowledge via in-country personnel as well as from established providers (e.g. FCDO) to build an information package.
Award Detail
1 | International Sos (None)
CPV Codes
- 79997000 - Business travel services
- Contract is suitable for SMEs.
Other Information
2. to provide a downloadable App that is suitable for iOS. This App will provide access to all of the services offered but will have a simple front page that holds the critical information and contact methods for our travellers, providing unlimited support for pre-travel briefings and advice by phone and regular updates to the App and portal, with country-specific information and risk identification. Travellers who have planned upcoming trips should be kept up to date via email and App alerts which should automatically advise on changes to circumstances or perceived risks/threats levels as appropriate. Once a journey has commenced, these alerts should continue to provide live updates of any new threats or changes in the locality or region for the duration of the trip. There should be 24/7 global assistance offered to travellers via a single contact point providing advice and assistance, from initial queries through to immediate on-the-ground support as needed to resolve difficulties encountered or emergency situations, providing ongoing coordination between the traveller, local authorities, medical centres and Cefas, managing any incidents that arise, on Cefas' behalf. The expectation is that the successful tenderer will take responsibility for managing full end-to- end incident resolution, including (but not necessarily limited to), access to 24hr advice whilst in-country, access to in-country health care as necessary, response to security incidents and emergency repatriation. Support should include language/translation services as required to deal with in-country situations. 3. Managers will require access to information in addition to that available to all staff. This might include access the data relating to travelling staff locations based on travel itineraries, a summary of Cefas staff engagement over a period of time etc.
- tender_309761/1096033
- CF f573b5ed-4019-464b-a618-c03fd6fe7190