Portfolio Analysis and Order Management System solutions

A Prior Information Notice

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Contract (Goods)
not specified
22 Aug 2022
not specified
23 Sep 2022 09:00



South West England:

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


Brunel Pension Partnership is seeking to select a supplier or suppliers to provide a Portfolio Analysis (PA) tool and an Order Management System (OMS) tool. The procurement is divided into two lots. Brunel Pension Partnership are looking for suppliers who can provide one or both Lots. Brunel Pension Partnership will be using the Competitive Procedure with Negotiation.

Lot Division

1 Portfolio Analysis Tool

Portfolio Analysis tool - SaaS tool used by the Listed Markets Team for on desk portfolio analytics, risk analysis and tracking other portfolio monitoring attributes. The PA tool will use accounting data, delivered daily as well as data feeds for market and economic data . It will be used heavily day to day as the main monitoring tool for our listed market portfolios. The functionality of the Portfolio Analysis tool shall include:- • Investment Strategy - Ability to measure investment strategy vs outcome • Asset Allocation - Display client Strategic asset allocation vs current holdings • Portfolio Analysis - Proxy fund holding with Benchmark weights or last look through data. Consolidated view across our portfolios, client holdings, ACS and underlying sub investment managers segregated mandates, including Benchmark. Strategic asset allocation, tactical asset allocation Classifications • Research - Ability to capture and collate manager research, economic and market data, including of non-held market instruments, and present analytics in a consistent manner • Credit/Liquidity Risk • Risk Calculation Engine - ability to calculate and monitor a variety of risk characteristics in line with market standards and expectations • Constituent Analysis - ability source and hold constituent level data of benchmarks and third-party managers • Performance Reporting - automated reporting from performance system, performance dashboard • Benchmark Construction - Ability to create benchmarks from underlying indices • Ability to consume market leading ESG, Climate and broader Responsible Investment data and report with the portfolio views within the system. Ability to customise and integrate across investments Additional information: Suppliers who express their interest will be issued a pre-qualification questionnaire (PQQ). Responses to the PQQ will be evaluated against the criteria detailed in the PQQ and participants who are successfully selected to continue through to the request for proposal (RFP) phase will be issued with the RFP pack. Suppliers wishing to express their interest should provide their full company name and address and most suitable contact details.

2 Order Management System

Order Management System - SaaS tool used as an order generation system to size and send instructions via SFTP to our administrator, State Street, who place the unit trades in the markets. Not used by Brunel to generate market trading. OMS is also used to run daily post trade compliance monitoring; this is a key daily control in monitoring our funds. Also used as a workflow tool to monitor and reconcile daily position moves The functionality of the Order Management System shall include:- • Order Generation - Ability to generate funds orders to be sent to our administrator, State Street, in an automated CSV file, via SFTP. Ability to generate and move cash between client accounts • Portfolio Construction - Construct portfolio vs benchmark SAA/TAA incorporating- client specific tolerances • Order modelling - trade or rebalance SAA vs current position at client or portfolio level including for flows, understanding cash requirements and balances pending trades • Post Execution - trade blotter to monitor file transfer/execution/settlement of unit deals and cash moves • Pre-Trade Compliance - Ability to manage allocations against client SAAs, manage exposures against predefined soft limited and ACS and future vehicles • Post Trade Compliance - code and run all post trade compliance rules at ACS and managers levels daily . Additional information: Suppliers who express their interest will be issued a pre-qualification questionnaire (PQQ). Responses to the PQQ will be evaluated against the criteria detailed in the PQQ and participants who are successfully selected to continue through to the request for proposal (RFP) phase will be issued with the RFP pack. Suppliers wishing to express their interest should provide their full company name and address and most suitable contact details.

CPV Codes

  • 48000000 - Software package and information systems


  • Restrictions apply to the lot award allocation.

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. **

