QU801 - Learning from Covid-19 - AWARD

A Contract Award Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
2 month
30 Aug 2022
17 Aug 2022 to 16 Oct 2022
26 Jul 2022 17:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 1 suppliers
Birmingham City Council
Research Works
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer

1 supplier


Covid-19 has played a significant part in the Public Health Division's work for more than two years. It changed the ways we have worked before and created various opportunities. Public Health Division initially continued with business-as-usual (BAU) work and members of staff rotated in the Covid cell where local guidance, based on National's, would be generated. Shortly after, BAU took a back seat and the division broke out into various cells to address Covid - (1) Health Protection , (2) Wellbeing, (3) Communications and Engagement, (4) Data and Governance and (5) Procurement. Individuals from across the council were redeployed to support Public Health Covid Response. However, due to the need for BAU work to continue, the model was slightly modified and additional capacity was recruited. The Test and Trace team was created which consisted of 5 sub-teams; (1) Business Strategy, (2) Communications and Engagement, (3) Data and Governance, (4) Health Protection Response, (5) Contact Tracing. BAU members of staff went back to their substantive posts and those who wanted to stay applied into secondment opportunities. The rota system using BAU resources, initially introduced at the beginning of the pandemic, continued to support the Health Protection Response Team as and when Covid peaks stretched the team's capacity. There has been great staff turnover and additional posts created in response to the fluid environment that the pandemic brought about. The Council will provide appropriate and proportionate expert public health advice, support and signpost to appropriate information. The Council will work with the provider to enable the contract delivery as much as possible. Example of support are as below. This list is not exhaustive: - Guidance throughout to ensure the report maps the service specification - Support with identifying participants The project should include synthesized data collected from the below sample to cover aspects of Covid-19 Response and its evaluation as set out in Service Specifications e.g. o What worked well and did not work well during Covid-19 o What could have been tried or done differently o Elements of pre-pandemic ways and methods of working that the Division may benefit from reverting to o Elements of pandemic ways of working that the Division may benefit from taking forward o Reflections and improvements on Communications, Collaboration and Partnership-working during the pandemic o Skills and Knowledge learnt and developed during Response to Covid-19 and key training needed for officers to prepare for future pandemic / emergency situations. o Learnings and Evaluation surrounding

Award Detail

1 Research Works (St Albans)
  • Value: £19,800

CPV Codes

  • 85100000 - Health services
  • 85000000 - Health and social work services
  • 85322000 - Community action programme
  • 73210000 - Research consultancy services
  • 79311400 - Economic research services
  • 98000000 - Other community, social and personal services
  • 79315000 - Social research services
  • 85323000 - Community health services
  • 73110000 - Research services
  • 75200000 - Provision of services to the community


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

The Council will be using its free to use e-tendering system (in-tend) for the administration of this procurement process and potential suppliers must register with the system to be able to express an interest. If you wish to express an interest in this opportunity, please click o...

