Provision of Services relating to the Development of a Child Abuse Questionnaire and Safeguarding Procedures

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
14.5 month
01 Sep 2022
14 Nov 2022 to 31 Jan 2024
17 Oct 2022 12:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


The aim of this research is to design two questionnaires and an appropriate safeguarding procedure. This will be based on topic knowledge, user requirements, cognitive testing with key participant groups, and engagement with topic experts and stakeholders. The requirement is defined as two questionnaires as it is essential prevalence estimates are produced for children aged 11 to 17 years and adults aged 18 to 25 years. However, we recognise there may be variations in the questionnaire across ages within these groups, such as the questions and survey text. Alongside this, an appropriate safeguarding procedure should be designed which successfully contributes to ensuring the participants are safe from others who may put them at significant risk of harm. ONS will be establishing a steering group to ensure stakeholders and key topic experts are consulted in the design and approach. The terms of reference for the group will be designed by ONS and the chair and secretariat (for example, hosting and minute taking) will also be provided by ONS. It is desirable that the supplier will be able to help recruit for the group based on their connections with experts in the field and collaborate with ONS in using this group to ensure a successful outcome for the project. Potential suppliers are encouraged to set out their ability to do so in their bid. The research has been split into two parts, A, and B. Although they focus on different aspects, the two parts of research are not independent of each other as they will need to be approached simultaneously to ensure the survey questions provide information needed for appropriate safeguarding to be administered. For part A, two final questionnaires should be provided that have undergone cognitive testing with key participant groups. The final deliverable includes a report detailing the: -text within the survey, such as the introduction to the survey and topics (which may vary by age) -questions (which may vary by age) -question ordering and routing (which may vary by age) -survey length -adaptations to include those with SEND -derivations needed between questions to produce the required prevalence estimates For part B, a safeguarding procedure should be provided in relation to part A. The final deliverable includes a report outlining the safeguarding procedure detailing: -any variations in its application across the devolved nations and encompassing regions -any variations in its application across the different modes and ages -the risks associated with the procedures -operational requirements for its implementation For both parts (A and B), the final report should also include: -feedback from the engagement with the steering group to provide evidence that the questionnaires and safeguarding procedures are fit for purpose -evidence (including feedback from NSDEC) that the questions and safeguarding proced...

CPV Codes

  • 73110000 - Research services
  • 79315000 - Social research services
  • 79311100 - Survey design services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

Register on our In-tend Portal via if you are not already registered. You must use our In-tend to make your bid. Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No Additional information on how to apply for this contract

