Developing ORR's role in monitoring train operations
A Contract Award Notice
- Source
- Contracts Finder
- Type
- Contract (Services)
- Duration
- 2.5 month
- Value
- £45K
- Sector
- Published
- 02 Sep 2022
- Delivery
- 23 Aug 2022 to 31 Oct 2022
- Deadline
- 02 Aug 2022 10:00
1 buyer
- Office of Rail & Road London
1 supplier
- Ove Arup & Partners London
The purpose of this project is to develop options / proposals for ORR's future oversight of Great British Railways and in particular its management of train service operations. There are two key tasks: Task 1: Review current processes for providing oversight of train service operations in Great Britain This is expected to include the following activities: • Review of the range of current contracts in place between DfT and Train Operating Companies (TOCs), with particular focus on new National Rail Contracts (NRCs) (to the extent that these are indicators of the likely form of future Passenger Service Contracts (PSCs)). • Review of the processes currently in place for assuring the procurement of these train service operations contracts. • Review of the processes currently in place for monitoring these train service operations contracts (again, with focus on NRCs). This should include the data collected, the monitoring processes and the outputs. • Presentation of findings to ORR, including through a written report. Task 2: Use outputs of task 1 to inform options and proposals for ORR's future oversight of train service operations This is expected to include the following activities: • Review of published documents on rail reform proposals, and likely content of future PSCs. Engagement with key internal ORR stakeholders on current role / latest understanding of future role. In both cases, this is to inform development of options and proposals. • Document future rail industry structure and responsibilities with particular focus on ORR (including where there is ambiguity to be resolved). • Informed by task 1, set out options and proposals for ORR's approach to monitoring Great British Railway's procurement and management of train service operations contracts. • Deliver a workshop with ORR internal stakeholders to discuss options / proposals. • For each option / proposal set out the likely incremental ORR capabilities / resource required.
Award Detail
1 | Ove Arup & Partners (London)
CPV Codes
- 79000000 - Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security
- Contract is suitable for SMEs.
- Contract is suitable for VCOs.
Other Information
This tender exercise is being conducted via our procurement portal Bravo. Please raise any clarification questions via Bravo. ORR CT 22-15 ITT Developing ORR role monitoring train service operations.docx ORR CT 22-15 Disclaimer.doc ORR CT 22-15 Form of Agreement - Professional Services.docx ORR CT 22-15 Form of Tender.doc Bravosolution Joining Instruction for open tender.doc
- ORR/CT/22-15
- CF dd3d708d-2780-4686-bbca-175eb73b43b2