PRJ 1206 Organisational Development and Population Health - SEL ICB

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
2 month
14 Sep 2022
07 Oct 2022 to 30 Nov 2022
23 Sep 2022 17:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


NHS South East London Integrated Care Board (SEL ICB) is seeking to engage an organisational development delivery partner with population health expertise to support place development in Bexley. Aim of the programme is to develop a shared vision across our 17 strong partnership (See Appendix 3 of the attached service specification), local stakeholders, our integrated health and care teams and residents. We are also seeking to refresh and further refine our 3 Local Care Networks and the integrated neighbourhood teams and services within those network geographies with our Primary Care Networks. One of key objectives from this commission is to refocus our partnership on the medium and long-term delivery of improving the health and wellbeing and outcomes for our population with tangible and measurable plans. Essential to this programme is bringing our local population with us on this journey through methods like co-production and delivery. We want to strengthen our partnership by ensuring our vision, values and plans are sufficiently embedded and prioritised. Key Outputs We envisage this is short programme will result in the development of the following tangible products for the Local Care Partnership: a) Refreshed Vision for the Bexley Wellbeing Partnership - Roadmap to Health & Care in Bexley. b) Development of the Bexley Wellbeing Partnership 3-year Health Improvement Plan based on the key health and care priorities for the Bexley population underpinned by the Health & Wellbeing Strategy and the SEL ICS priorities. c) Plans for delivering the key priorities at Local Care Network Level underpinned by Local Care Network Health & Care Profiles. We envisage due to the organisational development components for this programme the following: a) Organisational Development workshop/sessions with the 17 Partner members of the Bexley Wellbeing Partnership. b) Individual sessions with key stakeholders and organisations e.g., Housing Associations. c) Organisation Development workshop/session with the 4 Primary Care Networks, Clinical Directors. d) Facilitate a series of Public Engagement workshop/sessions on; (i) Launch the Roadmap to Health & Care in Bexley (VISION); (ii) Engage on the priorities (PLAN); and (iii) Accessing Health & Care in Bexley (HOW). Audience to include but not exclusive to residents, Community Champions, Carers Forum, Age Concern, PPGs, Pensioners Forum, Black, Asian and Minority Ethnicity Group/s and Healthwatch. The deadline for submitting a tender on Procontract is 17:00, 23rd September 2022. Submissions received after the deadline will not be considered.

CPV Codes

  • 85100000 - Health services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

This is a Request for Quotation (RfQ) exercise, interested organisation must complete and submit Response document published together with other documentations via the Pro-contract portal. The Response document must be read together with RfQ Guidance document for further details on the RfQ exercise process. Interested organisation wishing to participate must register on ProContract as a supplier and register an interest in this RfQ procurement exercise. (If you are already registered as a supplier you will not need to register again, simply use your existing username and password to log into ProContract to register an interest). Once registered you can access the RfQ exercise documentation by clicking the following link:

