Staffordshire University Student Village DBFO Project

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
53 year
22 Sep 2022
01 May 2024 to 01 Jun 2077
24 Oct 2022 12:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Staffordshire University
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer


The University is using the competitive dialogue procedure for the Project. It will dialogue with the shortlisted bidders identified following the selection phase based on their relevant experience, expertise and financial standing. The University requires the private sector partner to structure and deliver an off-balance sheet transaction (or one that has minimal impact on the University's balance sheet). The University expects the operational term of the Project to be approximately 50 years, during which the partner will be entitled to earn rental income from the accommodation. The University does not expect a capital receipt to be generated from the Project, but does require any contribution it may need to make to the Project to be kept to a minimum. The University's preference is for the first phase of the new facilities to have been completed ahead of the start of the 2025/26 academic year (subject to any agreed phased delivery of the various individual elements of the Project). In addition, the University will want bidders to develop solutions which address its key objectives for the Project including: 1. Student experience and welfare - The Project will support this through providing new and refurbished housing and associated social and communal space, thus enabling a high-quality, affordable living experience for its students that meets their needs and expectations, now and in the future. 2. Sustainability - The University anticipates that the new and refurbished buildings will be highly sustainable and aspires to target Net Zero Carbon for the new build elements. 3. Design quality - The University is keen to ensure that the quality of the design is a major area of focus throughout the Project. It expects the proposals to contribute towards the quality and setting of the whole of the campus, in order to maintain it as an attractive part of the University's estate and the neighbourhood. 4. Project affordability - The University is seeking for the Project to be self-financing at relatively affordable student rents. Also see comments above on the provision of a capital receipt. 5. Minimal disruption to students during constriction and refurbishment - The programme should minimise disruption to students and the community. The University's strong preference is for Clarice Cliff Court to remain operational and available until the equivalent number of new beds are opened, whereupon its refurbishment can begin. 6. Balance sheet treatment - As above, the Project should have minimal impact on the University's balance sheet and not impede the use of its existing and future borrowing facilities. 7. Long-term partnership - The University is seeking a partner whose values and aspirations are aligned to its own in terms of continually striving to improve the student experience. Further information on the University, the scope and key requirements of the Project are set out in the memorandum of information (MOI) forming part of the documents

CPV Codes

  • 79993000 - Building and facilities management services

Other Information

documents available from pro contract e tender system

