A Tender Notice

Find a Tender
Contract (Services)
35.5 month
27 Sep 2022
To 26 Oct 2025 (est.)
11 Nov 2022 11:00



Hampshire and Isle of Wight:

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council (the council) is committed to providing first class services and facilities which protect our most vulnerable residents. In 2016 the council undertook a procurement exercise to commission pilot services for social inclusion and homelessness services which could best meet local needs and deliver outcomes. The pilot originally came about following agreement between the council and Hampshire County Council (HCC), whereby grant funding previously attributable to Supporting People was combined with the council's own revenue resources. Following the successful previous commission and subsequent successful operation of the pilot models the existing contracts will run until 31st March 2023. Following a review of the existing operations and previous commission the council; with agreement with HCC is now looking to commission new contracts for the homelessness and social inclusion services. HCC agreed a reduction in spend on County Council funded Homelessness Support Services in 2022 and to a new grant agreement with Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council for 2023-2026, as such the lot structure and contracts have been re-established for this commission as outlined below.: Lot 1 - Emergency Access Homelessness Accommodation and Support (maximum grant available £350,000 per annum) Lot 2 - Targeted Rough Sleeper Outreach, Floating and In-Reach Resettlement Support (maximum grant available of £155,000 per annum) Lot 3 - Short to Medium Term Accommodation with Support (maximum grant available of £215,000 per annum) Tenderers can bid for one or more Lots; though each Lot will be evaluated separately, and response documents must be provided for each lot that the tenderer is responding to. The requirements of services will continue to be funded by Hampshire County Council through a devolved grant to Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council together with funding from BDBC. The services will be funded from 1 April 2023 until 31st March 2026 , subject to any earlier determination by HCC and it is therefore the council's intention to enter into contract(s) with the successful tenderer(s) of each Lot for a period of 3 years. If satisfied with the performance and operation of the contracts; and subject to further annual determinations by HCC the Council may extend the contracts beyond the initial 3 year term by a further period(s) of 12 months for up to a further 3 years. All extensions shall be subject to any earlier determination from HCC following their annual funding review processes.

Lot Division

1 Emergency Access Homelessness Accommodation and Support
  • Value: £1M

HCC's Social Inclusion Contracts (including Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council) for 2023 - 2026 are to provide housing related support for the most vulnerable homeless people who are rough sleeping or at risk of rough sleeping. We will commission providers to deliver a 24/7 intensive accommodation-based service and a targeted rough sleeper outreach, floating and in-reach resettlement service and short to medium term accommodation and support service. These Services are to help and support people to: Maintain or secure appropriate accommodation Meet health and wellbeing needs Actively engage in education, training and employment Engage in the community Reduce offending and anti-social behaviour towards desistance Access other sources of support including but not limited to inclusion (drug and Alcohol) Projects, mental health Projects and GP Projects. Receive personalised support to meet a wide range of needs. Receive holistic support that enables them to manage crisis, avoid eviction and repeat homelessness. Access flexible and responsive support because they are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Move-on successfully into more sustainable and appropriate accommodation support service users to sustain their own accommodation Lot 1 - Emergency Access Homelessness Accommodation and Support Maximum amount of grant available £350,000 per annum Service providers will implement a model of service delivery that will meet the diverse needs of single people in need of housing related support and service providers will develop innovative solutions that maximise use of resources, avoid duplication, reduce bureaucracy and unnecessary process and improve service access. The Emergency Access Homelessness Accommodation and Support Service will provide intensive support to those who are homeless or imminently at risk of street homelessness. Staff should be available on site 24 hours a day 7 days a week. This service may include support to individuals with chaotic lifestyles including those who are using substances. Intensive support to include the identification of support needs/risk management, maximising income/budgeting, maintaining tenancy, engaging in substance misuse programme and mental health community services.

2 Targeted Rough Sleeper Outreach, Floating and In-Reach Resettlement Support
  • Value: £465K

HCC's Social Inclusion Contracts (including Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council) for 2023 - 2026 are to provide housing related support for the most vulnerable homeless people who are rough sleeping or at risk of rough sleeping. We will commission providers to deliver a 24/7 intensive accommodation-based service and a targeted rough sleeper outreach, floating and in-reach resettlement service and short to medium term accommodation and support service. These Services are to help and support people to: Maintain or secure appropriate accommodation Meet health and wellbeing needs Actively engage in education, training and employment Engage in the community Reduce offending and anti-social behaviour towards desistance Access other sources of support including but not limited to inclusion (drug and Alcohol) Projects, mental health Projects and GP Projects. Receive personalised support to meet a wide range of needs. Receive holistic support that enables them to manage crisis, avoid eviction and repeat homelessness. Access flexible and responsive support because they are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Move-on successfully into more sustainable and appropriate accommodation support service users to sustain their own accommodation Lot 2 - Targeted Rough Sleeper Outreach, Floating and In-Reach Resettlement Support - Homelessness Prevention Maximum amount of grant available £155,000 per annum. Service providers will implement a model of service delivery that will meet the diverse needs of people in need of housing related support. Service providers will develop innovative solutions that maximise use of resources, avoid duplication, reduce bureaucracy and unnecessary process, and improve service access. Maintain the current low levels of rough sleeping and/or reduce further the number of people sleeping rough in Basingstoke and Deane by supporting individuals into appropriate accommodation, in a timely manner. Deliver targeted assertive outreach to assist entrenched rough sleepers (and people with severe and multiple needs at risk of rough sleeping and having high impact) to improve their current situation and prepare to access accommodation services, physical and/or mental health treatment, begin to engage with harm reduction and other relevant services that will move them away from a street-based lifestyle through MEAM. Deliver floating support to single vulnerable people with housing related support needs who are homeless or at risk of homelessness regardless of tenure, housing status or family structure. Focusing on preventing escalation of need by working in partnership with a wide range of other agencies and supporting service users to develop resilience, sustain independent living and avoid repeat episodes of homelessness and/or other crises that jeopardise their housing situation. Deliver in-reach resettlement support to support assist people moving-on from temporary and short-term housing, including those in bed and breakfast accommodation for as long as needed.

3 Short to Medium Term Accommodation with Support
  • Value: £645K

HCC's Social Inclusion Contracts (including Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council) for 2023 - 2026 are to provide housing related support for the most vulnerable homeless people who are rough sleeping or at risk of rough sleeping. We will commission providers to deliver a 24/7 intensive accommodation-based service and a targeted rough sleeper outreach, floating and in-reach resettlement service and short to medium term accommodation and support service. These Services are to help and support people to: 1. Maintain or secure appropriate accommodation 2. Meet health and wellbeing needs 3. Actively engage in education, training and employment 4. Engage in the community 5. Reduce offending and anti-social behaviour towards desistance 6. Access other sources of support including but not limited to inclusion (drug and Alcohol) Projects, mental health Projects and GP Projects. 7. Receive personalised support to meet a wide range of needs. 8. Receive holistic support that enables them to manage crisis, avoid eviction and repeat homelessness. 9. Access flexible and responsive support because they are homeless or at risk of homelessness. 10. Move-on successfully into more sustainable and appropriate accommodation support service users to sustain their own accommodation Lot 3 - Short to Medium Term Accommodation with Support Maximum amount of grant available £215,000 per annum The Short to Medium Term Accommodation with Support Service will provide a range of quality accommodation options, working in partnership across the commissioned services to prioritise people moving on from emergency accommodation who still require assistance and flexible support. Service providers will implement a model of service delivery that will be flexible in meeting the diverse needs of single people in need of housing related support and service providers will develop innovative solutions that maximise use of resources, avoid duplication, reduce bureaucracy and unnecessary process, and improve service access. The Council is looking: • for a trusted, experienced landlord to offer flexibility and a positive approach to tenancy management and sustainment. • to source 45 suitable units of accommodation (*note this is the number of units currently available and whilst tenderers may propose an increase in this if possible, any proposal from tenderers which cannot provide 45 units at the minimum is not acceptable and will not be considered. • for quality, purpose-built accommodation settings that operate within a psychologically informed framework. At least a third of these units must be located close to Basingstoke town centre for ease of access to other essential support services. The units will provide additional housing options to people of Basingstoke whilst not taking away from existing stock that could lead to a housing shortage elsewhere in the system.

Renewal Options

The contract for each Lot will be awarded for a period of 3 years, If satisfied with the performance and operation of the contracts; and subject to further annual determinations by HCC, the Council may extend the contracts beyond the initial 3 year term by a further period(s) of 12 months for up to a further 3 years. All extensions shall be subject to any earlier determination from HCC following their annual funding review processes.

CPV Codes

  • 85000000 - Health and social work services
  • 85311000 - Social work services with accommodation
  • 85312310 - Guidance services


  • Restrictions apply to the lot award allocation.
  • This is a one-off contract (no recurrence)
  • Options are available.
  • Renewals are available.

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** For more information about this opportunity, please access the ProContract system athttp://sebp.due-north.com Bidders must lodge their submissions by the time and date specified. BDBC will evaluate tender submissions in accordance with the methodology set out in the procurement documents. BDBC reserves the right not to award any contract(s) (in whole or part), to cancel or amend the procurement process and does not bind itself to accept any tender. BDBC shall not be liable under any circumstances for any costs, charges or expenses incurred by any Bidder or prospective Bidder who participates in this procurement process and accepts no liability for any costs, charges or expenses, irrespective of the outcome of the competition, or if the competition is cancelled or postponed. Bidders are advised that pursuant to the Local Government Transparency Code, local authorities are also required to publish details of certain contracts, commissioned activities, purchase orders, framework agreements and any other legally enforceable agreements. BDBC is also subject to the reporting requirements set out in Regulations 83 and 84 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. BDBC reserves the right to publish details as required pursuant to the Local Government Transparency Code and the Public Contracts Regulations 2015

